Si vous voulez lancer le moteur sans interface, il suffit de lancer "".
Pour lancer le moteur avec une interface, ce sera le programme "" qui va lancer le moteur, il suffit de mettre dans "IDU3.bat" les lignes suivantes:
- @echo off
- python %*
- pause
Il faut au préalable avoir installé la bibliothèque
PolyChess (named polychess as Git repository) is a Chess engine written in Python and used as practicals for a course on project management at the engineering school Polytech Annecy-Chambéry.
The aim of this repository is not to provide any complete Chess engine since students have to do it based on python-chess. As a consequence, persons interested in this project should check the different forks.
The required features for PolyChess are:
- PolyChess is able to play against a user, or to play against itself (through UCI and Winboard on Windows, or Arena on Mac)
- The games played are stored in PGN format in a directory games, the PGN headers have to be filled
- PolyChess can render the board either in text (on the console) or in SVG (thanks to python-chess, in Jupyter Notebooks)
- PolyChess has an opening book (first as a Polyglot book, then using your own format)
- PolyChess is able to play on Lichess (and eventually FICS)
- PolyChess is modular, it is then easy to isolate a feature and to modify it
- PolyChess has an AI (easy to modify) that could play for the engine
- It is possible to enter a FEN position and obtain an evaluation from PolyChess
Milestone 1:
PolyChess is able to play against user or another engine through UCI, has an opening book and an AI
Milestone 2:
PolyChess plays on Lichess (and FICS)
Milestone 3:
Board representation and legal moves are no longer provided by python-chess but are students' responsibilities
- Chess (maybe)
- Universal Chess Interface (UCI) (
- Portable General Notation (PGN)
- Board representation (bitboards, 0x88, 120-square representation, 64-square representation)
- MinMax (Negamax)
- Alpha-Beta pruning
- Chess rules (five fold repetition, seventy-five moves)
- Opening book (Polyglot)
- Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) (
- Piece-Square table
- Move ordering
- Position evaluation
- Transposition table
- Zobrist key
- Perft