An NT-Styled Kernel Clone | x86_64 architecture. It is able to read & write ATA Disks. Supports FAT32 Filesystem.
- Global Descriptor Table
- Interrupt Descriptor Table
- Programmable Interval Timer
- Exceptions Handler
- Keyboard & Mouse Driver
- Physical Memory Manager
- Virtual Memory Manager
- Heap ( heap.c )
- Real Time Clock
- Mutex
- Some "UNC" VFS
- ATA Read / Write ( NtCreateFile, NtWriteFile, NtReadFile, NtClose )
- ACPI Support ( NtShutdownSystem )
- Preemptive Multitasking
- Syscalls
- Panic Screen
- Basic GUI
Example of how to read files:
PCHAR pcBuffer;
ULONG dwBytes;
BOOLEAN bSuccess;
pcBuffer = ( PCHAR )malloc( 512 );
hFile = NtCreateFile( "C:\\SYSTEM\\POG.TXT", GENERIC_ALL, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
bSuccess = NtReadFile( hFile, pcBuffer, 512, &dwBytes, NULL );
NtClose( hFile );
DbgPrintFmt( "File has been read successfully!" );
free( pcBuffer );