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Settings.json Info

Fevers edited this page Oct 1, 2021 · 2 revisions

Here's how to use Settings.json for the latest AutoLeak version!

  • Name: The name function is the name AutoLeak will use when it tweets out something. For example, if it Tweets out leaks, the footer will be [Your Name]

  • Footer: The footer function is the footer AutoLeak will use when it tweets out something.

  • Language: This is pretty easy to understand, it is the language used by the bot when generating cosmetics.

  • ImageFont: The Font it uses to generate images, I recommend keeping it how it is to avoid issues.

  • SideFont: The second font that AutoLeak uses. (mainly used in the 'new' icon generation for description and set text)

  • placeholderUrl: The placeholder image used when an Item is a placeholder. Please enter an image URL to set the placeholder.

  • Watermark: A watermark added on top of generated icons. NOT REQUIRED

  • useFeaturedIfAvailible: Makes sure that if a featured icon is available for that icon then it uses it. True means that if the item has a featured image it will use it, and False means that it will only use the image icon.

  • iconType: The type of icons to generate cosmetics with. (We currently support: clean, standard, new, and cataba)

  • showitemsource: Shows the gameplay tag of a item. True means that it will show, False means it will not. (Only used on the 'new' icon type)

  • Twitter API keys: These are keys provided by the Twitter API to tweet out stuff to your twitter when needed. (API LINK:

  • BenBot: An option to use BenBot as your preferred API. (Options: True and False)

  • BotDelay: The delay AutoLeak uses when checking for new leaks updates, news updates, etc...


  • CreatorCode: Your creator code goes here. This is used for Item Shop posts, news posts, etc. NOT REQUIRED!

  • tweetUpdate: When using Update mode, it will tweet out the build, map, and other necessary info when a new update is detected.

  • tweetAes: When using Update mode, it will tweet out the updates AES key when a new update is detected.

  • TweetSearch: When searching for a cosmetic it will tweet it out. User will be promoted, so if you turn this on you still have an option. - True/False

  • MergeImages: Merges images when generating new cosmetics. True = Merges image - False = Does not merge images

  • MergeWatermarkUrl: When merging images it will add a watermark to the merged image. If you want to use a local file as a watermark, place the file in the Assets folder, and set MergeWatermarkUrl to 'image/yourwatermarkfile' (replace yourwatermarkfile with your image name)

  • AutoTweetMerged: When AutoLeak merges an image for generating cosmetics, update mode, pak, etc, it automatically tweets it out.

  • ShowDescOnNPCs: Used for the NPC's command. Shows the NPC description when generating NPC icons.

  • ShopSections_Image: Used for the ShopSections command (Twitter API keys are required). Set to True to tweet out an image of the sections, set to False to only tweet out text.

  • ImageColor: Used for the ShopSections command if ShopSections_Image is set to true. Enter a hex color code to set the background color.

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