Important links:
Official bindings:
Community bindings (varying levels of production-readiness):
- Rust (@fdb-rs's community)
- Tokio/Rust (@rajivr)
- C#/.NET (@Doxense)
- NodeJS (@josephg)
- Example repo (@bbonnin)
- PHP (@viest)
- Clojure (@vedang)
- Clojure (@tirkarthi)
- Clojure (@alex-dixon)
- Clojure Record-Layer (@exoscale)
- Julia (@tanmaykm)
- Python asyncio (@amirouche)
- Haskell (@crclark)
- TypeScript (@openland)
- Elixir (@ananthakumaran)
- Swift (@kirilltitov)
- Erlang (@apache)
- Scala (@pwliwanow)
Experimental/Proof of Concept:
- FoundationDB's original SQL layer (no longer developed)
- FoundationDB's example Python layers
- (missing from main repo)
- Simple object store (@Fabianlindfors)
- JanusGraph adapter (@twilmes)
- Python NBD server (@dividuum)
- Java NBD server (@spullara)
- FoundationDB Block Device (@meln1k)
- Hashicorp Vault
- OpenTick (@opentradesolutions)
- STORED document layer (@capturetechnologies)
- Nomure graph database (@OkamiIO)
- Lucene layer
- Zookeeper layer (@pH14)
- Redis protocol FDB Gateway (@ryanworl)
- Copernic: versioned structured data, with change-request mechanic (@amirouche)
- ETCD layer (@PierreZ)
- Record-Store (@PierreZ)
- Query Language (@janderland)
- Terraform deployment PoC (@bitgn)
- Database benchmark that includes FDB (@pingcap)
- Prometheus exporter (@leoluk)
- Wavefront FDB Tailer (@wavefrontHQ)
- Cloudkit: structured storage for mobile applications (2018)
- Towards a General Framework for ML-based Self-tuning Databases (2020)
- QuiCK: A Queuing System in CloudKit (2021)
- FoundationDB: A Distributed, Unbundled, Transactional Key Value Store (2021)
- FoundationDB Layers (2018) (
- FoundationDB's high contention allocator (
- Building a FoundationDB Cluster: Roles, Classes, and Processes (
- Time Series and FoundationDB: Millions of writes/s and 10x compression in under 2,000 lines of Go (
- FoundationDB Record Layer (
- Notes about FoundationDB (
- Crafting row keys in FoundationDB (
- FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store (
- Reading Group. FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store (
- Migrating Snowflake’s Metadata series:
- Bigblue’s multi-model database on FoundationDB (
- Skipping the boring parts of building a database using FoundationDB
- How we built our data layer on FoundationDB
- "Testing Distributed Systems w/ Deterministic Simulation" by Will Wilson (2014)
- Playlist FoundationDB Summit 2018
- Solving Everyday Data Problems with FoundationDB
- Playlist FoundationDB Summit 2019
- FoundationDB or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Trust the Database (Markus Pilman, Snowflake) (2020)
- Novel Design Choices in Apache CouchDB (Adam Kocoloski) (2021)
- SIGMOD 568 QuiCK: a Queuing System in CloudKit (2021)
- SIGMOD 538 FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional KeyValue Store (2021)
- Paper #65. FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store (2021)
- Markus Pilman (Snowflake) - FoundationDB at Snowflake: Architecture and Internals (2021)
- Operating FoundationDB on Kubernetes - Johannes M. Scheuermann (DoK Day EU 2022)
- How we cook Foundation DB / Daniil Gitelson (OW Service) (HighLoad++ Armenia 2022)
- Rhino: Low-latency Key-value Database in Rust (2024) (Github repo)
- How Tigris Leverages FoundationDB for Global Metadata Storage (May 15th 2024)
- Encryption in FoundationDB - FDB Meetup (Snowflake, May 15th 2024)
- FoundationDB as an Identity Graph database: Adobe’s Journey - FDB Meetup (June 20th 2024)
- FoundationDB on Kubernetes - FDB Meetup (2024)
- Spark connector for FoundationDB - FDB Meetup (Adobe, 2024)
- Control Plane for FoundationDB - FDB Meetup (Snowflake, 2024)
- Managing FoundationDB Infrastructure - FDB Meetup (Adobe, 2024)
- Data Engineering Podcast episode 80: Using FoundationDB As The Bedrock For Your Distributed Systems (2019)
- Softwar Engineering Daily: FoundationDB with Ryan Worl (2019)
- Big data Hebdo 93: FoundationDB (2019 🇫🇷)
- GitHub - jzhou77/flow-examples Examples for using Flow language