STM32 template needed to open and build CUBE IDE/Atollic projects in VS Code
Example on: STM32F303 Discovery
- arm-none-eabi-gcc
- STM32CubeProgrammer
- ST-Link_gdbserver1
- CMake
- Ninja Ninja build system
- ms-vscode.cpptools: Syntax highlighting and other core features for C/C++ development
- ms-vscode.cmake-tools: CMake core tools, build system generator tool
- twxs.cmake: CMake color highlighting
- marus25.cortex-debug: Cortex-M debugging extension, mandatory for STM32 debug from VSCode
- dan-c-underwood.arm: ARM Assembly syntax highlighter
- zixuanwang.linkerscript: GCC Linker script syntax highlighter
Tools and VSCode plugins from above
CMake - Download, install
Ninja - Standalone version
To install them in one shot, copy code below to terminal in VSCode
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools
code --install-extension twxs.cmake
code --install-extension marus25.cortex-debug
code --install-extension dan-c-underwood.arm
code --install-extension zixuanwang.linkerscript
CMakeLists.txt - everywhere under #Modified .vscode/launch.json - CPU and Paths
Intelisence highligting (.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json needs to be adjusted.
Workaround: "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "Disabled" -> "Enabled" (not recommended)
- Generated files (.hex, .bin) are bigger with same compiler settings then in STM32-CUBE IDE