- 🌱 Actively expanding my skills in Full Stack Development, with a focus on PHP and the Laravel framework.
- 👯 Open to collaborations on projects that bring positive change to the world.
- ⚡ Graduated from the IT Academy Bootcamp for Full-Stack Web Development.
- 🤔 Eager to seek guidance and assistance to continually enhance my skill set.
- 🔭 Currently contributing to two exciting projects: ITA Landing and ITA Profiles, both API REST projects crafted with Laravel.
- 🌱 Continuing my learning journey, exploring JavaScript, React, Spring, Redis ....
- 🌍 Interested in collaborating with BeWelcome for meaningful contributions.
💪🏼 Over the past year, I've dived into JAVA, PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, PHPUnit, MVC architecture, and API development, laying a solid foundation for back-end development.
💡 Future Goals: My goal is to contribute as a Full Stack Developer, collaborating on innovative projects and embracing new challenges.
Reach me out on and code together! I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations :)
Take a look at my main projects and contributions.