To start with this project you only need a RPi Zero2W (it should work the same with a RPi Zero W/WH) and a 2.13 inch E-ink display.
First of all after the installation of Raspberry PI OS , you can access your device through SSH and enable the SPI interface so that the display can work. In order to do that you need to send the command :
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo raspi-config
After that you can download the repo with:
git clone [](
cd WeatherStation
Now you have to change the file setting your OpenWeatherMap API , your city (the default City is Messina,IT) and the language for the api response API:
owm = OWM("<YOUR_API_KEY>", config_dict)
config_dict['language'] = 'it'
Finally everything should work , if you want to update data automatically just change your crontab :
crontab -e
add the line:
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 YOUR_PATH/WeatherStation/
with this cron function it will update every 5th minute (ex. 00:00 , 00:05 , 00:10 ecc.). If you want to change this rate , just modify the cron function , if you don't know how just use this webpage :