This project forwards your TCP connection through a SOCKS5 proxy, especially it can be used to forward it through a SOCKS5 proxy with authentication.
I tried to keep it minimal. It has 0 depencencies,
Because I needed a way to use a propietery SOCKS5 server with an automated browser, which does not allow to pass authentification to proxies.
You can install it as executable
git clone https:// && cd ./SocksAuth
cd src && go build -o ../socksauth ./server && cd .. && rm
And run it with
./socksauth -remoteUser <username> -remotePass <password> [-remoteHost <host:port>] [-port <localport>]
If the remoteHost
is omitted a NordVPN will be used (because that was my usecase).
If the port
is omitted, 1080
will be used.
This is pretty much just the main.go
of the server
package main
import (
func main() {
// build the server
onError := func(connId int64, conn net.Conn, err error) { slog.Error("Error", "connId", connId, "err", err) }
onConnect := func(connId int64, conn net.Conn) {
slog.Debug("Connected", "connId", connId, "addr", conn.RemoteAddr())
onDisconnect := func(connId int64, conn net.Conn) {
slog.Debug("Disconnected", "connId", connId, "addr", conn.RemoteAddr())
server := socksauth.NewServer(remoteHost, remoteUser, remotePass,
socksauth.WithAddr(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port)), socksauth.WithOnConnect(onConnect), socksauth.WithOnDisconnect(onDisconnect), socksauth.WithOnError(onError))
// Start the server
runCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
err := server.Start(runCtx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("SOCKS5 server is listening on ", server.Addr)
// wait for ctrl+c
sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt)
fmt.Println("Shutting down...")
or more minimal
server := socksauth.NewServer(remoteHost, remoteUser, remotePass)
err := server.Start(context.Background())
if err != nil {