More-Recipes provides a platform for users to share the awesome and exciting recipe ideas they have invented or learnt.
Suppose a user comes up with a recipe, he/she can post it on More-Recipes and get feedback in form of reviews and votes from other users who explore that recipe. Users can also keep a list of their favorite recipes on the application
The full documentation for all api end point can be found here
- User can create account and log in to use app
- Add recipe
- View or Modify the recipe he/she added
- Delete the recipe he/she added
- Add a recipe to favourites
- A recipe listing or catalog page that allows viewers to search for recipes. It also shows popular recipes.
- Upvote a recipe
- downvote a recipe
- Add reviews to a recipe
- A User can add recipe as favourite.
- User's profile page
- Update profile
- A page, where logged in users can view a list of their favourite recipes
- Users can change their password or reset it if forgotten.
This project has some limitations. The most notable ones are:
- Users cannot view other user's profile or see personal/favorite recipe list.
- Users cannot deactivate their accounts
View the web client live here
This app uses the following for testing:
- For server-side testing run
npm run test:report
. - For client-side testing run
npm run client
- Clone the repo and enter directory
git clone [email protected]:noblemajesty/more-recipes.git && cd more-recipes
- Install the project's dependecies
npm install
- Create
file and copy content of.env.sample
to it and provide the appropriate values
cp .env.sample .env
- Start the server
npm run server
- Navigate to your browser and view the app on
- Fork this repository to your github account
- Clone the repository -
git clone{your_username_goes_here}/dman.git
- Create your feature branch -
git checkout -b {feature, chore or bug}-short_feature_desscription
- Commit your changes -
git commit -m “{commit_message_goes_here}“
orgit commit
for the interactive interface - Push to the remote branch -
git push origin {your_branch_name_as_described_above}
- Open a pull request
What language was used to develop this application?
This is a full stack Javascript application with client side in React/Redux
Who can contribute?
You, Me, Her, Him, They, Them, Us. Anybody!
Fred Adewole(@Fred_Amare)
This is licensed for your use, modification and distribution under the MIT license.