Include the JavaScript file and Stylesheet in your html page. This plugin works with moment.js. There are two methods to include the Material-Datepicker.
Method 1 When you have included moment.js already.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Method 2 When you don't need moment.js itself.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
It's better to download the files, instead of using the rawgit cdn server.
In its simplest case, Material-Picker can be initialised with a single line of Javascript. You will probably also specify some options while applying the plugin.
var monthpicker = new MaterialDatepicker('input');
var monthpicker = new MaterialDatepicker('input', {
type: 'month',
lang: 'de',
orientation: 'portrait'
type (default: "date") [string] - Datepicker["date"], Monthpicker["month"]
lang (default: "en") [string] - Language
orientation (default: "landscape") [string] - Orientation of the picker: portait or landscape
color (default: "#80cbc4") [string] - Color of the picker; Html color values
zIndex (default: "100") [number] - z-index of the picker
position (default: "absolute") [string] - position of the picker [fixed, static, ..]
theme (default: "light") [string] - Theme of the picker: light or dark
openOn (default: "click") [string] - How to open the picker: Click-events or 'direct'
closeAfterClick (default: true) [string] - Close the picker after choose a date or not
date (default: today or string inside input) [type: Date Object] - The initial date of the Picker
weekBegin (default: "sunday") [string] - Beginning weekday of the week: sunday or monday
outputFormat (default: date "YYYY/MM/DD"; month "MMMM YYYY") [string] - Date-format* of the output [inside a input or OutputElement]
inputFormat (default: date "YYYY/MM/DD"; month "MMMM YYYY") [string] - Date-format* of the input value attribute [in the inputElement]
topHeaderFormat (default: "YYYY") [string] - Date-format* of the output [inside a input or OutputElement]
headerFormat (default: date "ddd, MMM D"; month "MMMM") [string] - Date format* in the header bar*
sitePickerFormat (default: date "MMMM YYYY"; month "YYYY") [string] - Date format* in the site picker bar*
onLoad (default: none) [function] - Function called when picker is loaded
onOpen (default: none) [function] - Function called when picker is open
onNewDate (default: none) [function] - Function called when new Date is picked and the picker is closed
onChange (default: none) [function] - Function called when the Date is changed, even if the picker is still open
outputElement (default: none) [string or Object] - Returns the date inside a SPAN-tag, P-tag or A-Tag
var monthpicker = new MaterialDatepicker('input', {
lang: 'de',
orientation: 'portrait',
theme: 'dark',
color: 'red',
date: new Date(861999834000),
outputFormat: 'd-mm-yyyy',
inputFormat: 'ddmmyyyy',
outputElment: '.month',
onChange: function() {
alert('Date Changed!!')
onNewDate: function() {
alert('New Date Chosen!!')
.newDate( new Date(861999834000) )
set new Date
returns the current date
returns the choosen element
returns the picker element
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run grunt watch for development
npm start
- Run default grunt before a Pull Request
npm run build
- Output is in