This is the complete source code for Cars2048 on Android.
The projects have been tested with Unity3D 2019.4.17 LTS. The original Unity3D 5 LTS version of Cars2048 should also be buildable from these sources, but I didn't bother trying that in 2020.
The code is all licensed under the terms of the GPL (gnu public license).
You should read the entire license, but the gist of it is that you can do
anything you want with the code, including sell your new version. The catch
is that if you distribute new binary versions, you are required to make the
entire source code available for free to everyone.
The primary intent of this release is for entertainment and educational purposes, but the GPL does allow commercial exploitation if you obey the full license.
Have fun.
Damien Fremont
GooglePlay/Android : Cars 2048 - Puzzle Game