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Axios Decorators

JavaScript Style Guide Quality Gate Status npm

It is an HTTP client library that uses Axios and JavaScript decorators. It is inspired by the popular Android library Retrofit.


The main dependency is Babel, it uses decorators and classes to make JavaScript developers' life easier. Hence there are two dependencies as plugin-proposal-decorators and plugin-proposal-class-properties.

Axios and Regenerator are other dependencies, you can find dependency installation in the following section.


Babel Core

First of all, Babel has to be installed, but if you have already Babel on your project, you can skip this part. Babel installation can differ by application. Please check the Babel's documentation for detailed information.

Babel Plugins

npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators

After plugin installation, following configuration have to be added to .babelrc file.

  "presets": [...],
  "plugins": [
      {"legacy": true}

Runtime Regenerator

If you already use @babel/polyfill, you can skip this part. However, @babel/polyfill has been deprecated, upgrading the project to core-js and regenerator is suggested.

npm install --save regenerator


Flow is suggested to get auto-suggestion support on the IDE.

npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-flow

After installation, Flow's preset has to be added to .babelrc file.

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-flow"]

Axios & Axios Decorators

npm install --save axios axios-decorators

Usage Examples


You can access the basic example's code from this link.

// @flow
import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'
import { DELETE, GET, PATCH, POST, PUT, Client } from 'axios-decorators'

type PostType = {
  userId: number;
  id: number;
  title: string;
  body: string;

@Client({ baseURL: '' })
class PostClient {
  static getPostList (): AxiosPromise<PostType> {}

  static getPost (args: { path: { id: string } }): AxiosPromise<PostType> {}

  static createPost (args: { data: PostType }): AxiosPromise<PostType> {}

  static putPost (args: { path: { id: string }, data: PostType }): AxiosPromise<PostType> {}

  static patchPost (args: { path: { id: string }, data: PostType }): AxiosPromise<PostType> {}

  static deletePost (args: { path: { id: string } }): AxiosPromise<PostType> {}

(async () => {
  // Get post list
  const postList = await PostClient.getPostList()

  // Get post by id
  const postById = await PostClient.getPost({ path: { id: '1' } })

  // Create a post
  const createPost = await PostClient.createPost({
    data: {
      userId: 1,
      title: 'Post title',
      body: 'Post body'

  // Put data to the post
  const putPost = await PostClient.putPost({
    path: {
      id: '1'
    data: {
      userId: 2,
      title: 'Modified post title',
      body: 'Modified post body'

  // Patch the post
  const patchPost = await PostClient.patchPost({
    path: {
      id: '1'
    data: {
      body: 'Modified post body for patch'

  // Delete the post
  const deletePost = await PostClient.deletePost({
    path: {
      id: '1'

Micro Services (like Feign)

// flow
import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'
import { GET, Client, ClientConfigurator } from 'axios-decorators'

// Assume that this map is generated using consul service info
const serviceMap = {
    PostService: '',
    CommentService: ''

ClientConfigurator.setBaseURL((serviceName) => {
    // Service name is used to get service URL
    return serviceMap[serviceName]

// Client definitions
@Client({ name: 'PostService', basePath: '/post' })
class PostClient {
  static getPostList (): AxiosPromise<PostType> {}

@Client({ name: 'CommentService', basePath: '/comment' })
class CommentClient {
  static getCommentList (): AxiosPromise<CommentType> {}



It stores client configurations.


// flow
ClientConfigurator.setBaseURL(baseURL: string | ((serviceName: string) => void))
Property Description Type
baseURL It is global Base URL. string | ((serviceName: string) => void)


// flow
ClientConfigurator.setBaseURL(headers: object | ((serviceName: string) => void))
Property Description Type
headers It is global headers value. object | ((serviceName: string) => void)



It is used to define client class.

// flow
Client(name?: string);
Property Description Type It is distinctive feature of the client class. It could be used to find service's IP address. string
// flow
Client(options?: { name?: string; baseURL?: string; basePath?: string; });
Property Description Type It is distinctive feature of the client class. It could be used to find service's IP address. string
options.baseURL Base URL of the API can be changed directly using this parameter. It overrides baseURL coming from ClientConfigurator. string
options.basePath It is common path of the service. string

Methods (@GET, @POST, @PUT, @PATCH, @DELETE)

// flow
type MethodOptions = {
    headers?: object | (() => object);

GET(endpoint: string, methodOptions?: MethodOptions);
POST(endpoint: string, methodOptions?: MethodOptions);
PUT(endpoint: string, methodOptions?: MethodOptions);
PATCH(endpoint: string, methodOptions?: MethodOptions);
DELETE(endpoint: string, methodOptions?: MethodOptions);
Property Description Type
endpoint This is specific path of your controller. string
methodOptions.headers Headers of the request. object | function


HTTP client library with Axios and JavaScript decorators.








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