Simple Feature Toggle client for .NET.
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<clear />
<add key="nuget" value="" />
<add key="fromdoppler-github-packages" value="" />
<add key="Username" value="readonly" />
<add key="ClearTextPassword" value="%FROMDOPPLER_GITHUB_PACKAGES_TOKEN%" />
First, it is necessary to setup the FeatureToggleClient and configure it to be updated periodically for example:
var client = new HttpFeatureToggleClient(
dueTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
period: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
Then, we need to configure how to access to the features using the accessors. There are two ways to do it:
Using classes:
public class BooleanFeatureAccessorDemo : FeatureToggleAccessor<bool>
public BooleanFeatureAccessorDemo(IFeatureToggleClient featureToggleClient)
: base(
featureName: "BooleanFeature",
defaultTreatment: "Disabled",
forceTreatment: null,
treatments: new Dictionary<string, Func<bool>>()
["Disabled"] = () => false,
["Enabled"] = () => true
public class DateBehaviorAccessorDemo : FeatureToggleAccessor<Func<DateTime, string>>
public DateBehaviorAccessorDemo(IFeatureToggleClient featureToggleClient)
: base(
featureName: "DateBehavior",
defaultTreatment: "ISO",
forceTreatment: null,
treatments: new Dictionary<string, Func<Func<DateTime, string>>>()
["ISO"] = () => (date => date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
["English"] = () => (date => date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")),
["Spanish"] = () => (date => date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"))
// In composition root:
var booleanAccessor = new BooleanFeatureAccessorDemo(client);
var forcedBooleanAccessor = new ForcedBooleanFeatureAccessorDemo(client, "Enabled");
var dateFormatAccessor = new DateBehaviorAccessorDemo(client);
Using builders:
// In composition root:
var booleanAccessor = client
.AddBehavior("Disabled", false)
.AddBehavior("Enabled", true)
var dateFormatAccessor = client
.CreateFeature<DateTime, string>("DateBehavior")
.AddBehavior("ISO", x => x.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
.AddBehavior("English", x => x.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))
.AddBehavior("Spanish", x => x.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"))
Take into account that these examples are only to simplify, in general is not a good idea to resolve booleans.
Finally, we could use the accessors to have different behavior based on the differentiator:
class AnyService
private readonly _dateFormatAccessor;
public AnyService(FeatureToggleAccessor<Func<DateTime, String>> dateFormatAccessor)
_dateFormatAccessor = dateFormatAccessor;
public string GetNameWithDate(User user)
var differentiator = user.PreferredDateFormat;
var date = DateTime.Now;
var formattedDate = dateFormatAccessor.Get(differentiator, date));
return $"{user.Name} {formattedDate}";