Implementation of the CCNET protocol for CashCode bill validator written in C++
Uses boost libraries (curr version=1.67)
Linux OS (software use port name = "/ttyS..")
Software gives to C/C++ developer an interface for working with bill validator
- Software can automatically try to find port with bill validator (on different ports, with different baud rate)
- Connect to bill validator (open port and make connection with args)
- disconnect (disable validator and close port)
- Listen port for any action (and any errors too)
- Hold bill (send this command in cycle to hold bill in validator)
- Stack bill (require one command for stacking)
- Unstack bill (if validator hold bill, to unstack it send this command)
- Thread locking ('set_mutex(...)', if mutex==nullptr => program will skip locking
IMPORTANT! You should to use 'bill_interface_new' class It gives you ability to make connection, reconnect validator and disable it Also, this class have 'get_instance(...)' and 'destroy_instance(...)' methods They are easy to use!
Baud rates:
- 19200
- 9600
Serial ports:
- /dev/ttyS{0..31} (exmpl: /dev/ttyS0)