Releases: FutureMind/MaskedEditText
1.0.18: Merge pull request #4 from FutureMind/fix/jitpack-download
1.0.17: Merge pull request #3 from FutureMind/fix/swap-to-fm-implementation
Go back to FM implementation
Migrate from rxjava2 to rxjava3
1.0.15 Migrate from rxjava2 to rxjava3
Migrate from rxjava2 to rxjava3
1.0.14 Migrate from rxjava2 to rxjava3
Fix error caused by wrong selection and text pasting
Given fix is a direct result of a previous fix (v1.0.12), which caused a new problem.
Previously when a user deleted a letter placed after a mask and just before the last letter in the phrase, cursor was unexpectedly placed after the last letter.
Fixing above issue resulted in the next issue, which allowed user to position cursor wherever possible given that the input is empty.
After positioning cursor on an empty input (with visible hint) and pasting value into it, the crash occurred.
In this fix I handle this crash by catching exception and reseting the input.
It is sort of a workaround and definitely not a perfect solution
Selection after char removal fix
Generally speaking, removing a char placed just before mask char resulted in misplacement of selection indicator.
Consider the setup below:
mask: ###-###-###
hint: 123456789
Your input: 123456789
Removal of '6' char resulted in selection set after mask, on '7' char instead of '5' char.
ClassCastException removed and migration to androidx performed
Migration from appcompat to androidx;
Upgrade of build tools version from 25.0.3 to 28.0.3;
ClassCastException in MaskedEditText fixed;
Raw text changes observing enabled
Implementation of rx java;
Behavior processor created inside MaskedEditText;
observeRawTextChanges() implemented in MaskedEditText;
Release 1.0.9
Resolve build problems