git clone
cd /your-folder/Gassword-API
npx nodemon server/core.js
- 1 . Stores you data in mongodb cloud or locally its up to you.
- 2 . Y'our passwords are encrypted with the help of Cryptojs
- 3 . Has MPIN for added Security
- 4 . Run on your local machine or Your Web server or in my free hosted server
- 5 . Zero knowledge encryption, passwords are encrypted via user given key
- which is not stored in the server (unhashed)
- 6 . (hashed key is stored but in no way i can decrypt it)
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
To get jwtToken
Your local or cloud mongoDb database connection string
Client: React, TailwindCSS
Server: Node, Express , Cryptojs
- Currently server is encrypting only important details like password, mpin, enc_key
- will decrypt whole user and gassword object in future