- Hello World
- Simple Calculator
- 1D Racing Game
- Arkanoid
- Chess
- Connect Four
- Cookie Clicker
- Flappy Bird
- Ludo
- Mancala
- Minesweeper
- Pacman
- Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Simon Says
- Sliding Puzzle
- Slots / Casino
- Snake
- Sokoban / Moving boxes puzzle
- Space Invaders
- Subway Surfers / Undertale Muffet Fight / Surfing with Sharks
- Taiko
- Tetris
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Undertale Color Puzzle
- Yamb / Yacht
- Bar/QR Code Generator
- FPS-measurer
- Lexer/parser
- Quine
- Runtime Sorting Algorithm Visualizer
- A remote-multiplayer game, where you insert codes to update the playfield (chess' system would work well)