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Automated Extension submission for issue #1520
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dagode committed Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 59dabfa commit 735c0c7
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 0 deletions.
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions extensions/community/OscilloWave.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
"author": "",
"category": "User interface",
"extensionNamespace": "",
"fullName": "OscilloWave",
"helpPath": "",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "OscilloWave",
"previewIconUrl": "",
"shortDescription": "OscilloWave is a simple extension that adds smooth, sinusoidal wave motion or shock to any object, perfect for creating dynamic UI elements and eye-catching animations. Ideal for making title images float and move seamlessly in menu screens.",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": [
"**OscilloWave** is a user-friendly extension that enhances your user interface by smoothly oscillating selected objects in a wave motion, similar to a sine function. This effect is perfect for animating game titles, giving them a dynamic \"floating\" effect as they move up and down ideal for creating a more engaging menu screen. However, it can also be applied to any other scene elements to create visually appealing, rhythmic motion throughout your game.",
"tags": [
"authorIds": [
"dependencies": [],
"globalVariables": [],
"sceneVariables": [],
"eventsFunctions": [
"description": "Apply a smooth wave motion to the selected object.",
"fullName": "Apply a smooth wave motion to the object",
"functionType": "Action",
"group": "Oscilate",
"name": "Function",
"sentence": "Apply wave motion to _PARAM1_ continuously, with an amplitude of _PARAM2_, a frequency of _PARAM3_, and a speed of _PARAM4_,the motion lasts for _PARAM5_, with a phase offset of _PARAM6_, movement applied on _PARAM7_ axis , and a modulation strenght of _PARAM8_",
"events": [
"type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode",
"inlineCode": [
"// Retrieve parameters\r",
"const amplitude = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Amplitude\");\r",
"const frequency = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Frequency\");\r",
"const speed = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Speed\");\r",
"const elapsedTime = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Time\"); // Passed from the event\r",
"const phaseOffset = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"PhaseOffset\");\r",
"const axis = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Axis\"); // \"X\", \"Y\", or \"Both\"\r",
"const modulationStrength = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"ModulationStrength\"); // Controls easing strength\r",
"// Get objects\r",
"const objectsToAnimate = eventsFunctionContext.getObjects(\"Oscilate\");\r",
"for (let index = 0; index < objectsToAnimate.length; index++) {\r",
" const object = objectsToAnimate[index];\r",
" if (object) {\r",
" // Initialize original positions once\r",
" if (typeof object.initialY === \"undefined\") {\r",
" object.initialY = object.getY();\r",
" }\r",
" if (typeof object.initialX === \"undefined\") {\r",
" object.initialX = object.getX();\r",
" }\r",
" // Calculate unique phase offset per object\r",
" const x = object.getX();\r",
" const objectPhase = phaseOffset * index; // Each object has a unique shift\r",
" const easedWave = Math.sin(frequency * x + elapsedTime * speed + objectPhase) \r",
" * (1 - Math.cos(elapsedTime * 2 * modulationStrength)) / 2;\r",
" const offset = amplitude * easedWave;\r",
" // Apply movement based on selected axis\r",
" if (axis === \"Y\" || axis === \"Both\") {\r",
" object.setY(object.initialY + offset);\r",
" }\r",
" if (axis === \"X\" || axis === \"Both\") {\r",
" object.setX(object.initialX + offset);\r",
" }\r",
" }\r",
"parameterObjects": "Oscilate",
"useStrict": true,
"eventsSheetExpanded": true
"parameters": [
"description": "Object",
"name": "Oscilate",
"type": "objectList"
"description": "Height of the wave",
"name": "Amplitude",
"type": "expression"
"description": "Frequency of the wave",
"name": "Frequency",
"type": "expression"
"description": "Speed of the wave movement",
"name": "Speed",
"type": "expression"
"description": "TimeFromStart()",
"name": "Time",
"type": "expression"
"description": "How much each wave is offset",
"name": "PhaseOffset",
"type": "expression"
"description": "Choose \"X\", \"Y\", or \"Both\"",
"name": "Axis",
"supplementaryInformation": "[\"Y\",\"X\",\"Both\"]",
"type": "stringWithSelector"
"description": "Controls how strong the easing effect is",
"name": "ModulationStrength",
"type": "expression"
"objectGroups": []
"eventsBasedBehaviors": [],
"eventsBasedObjects": []

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