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Command Line Options Available When Using MAPL_Cap

Ben Auer edited this page Mar 22, 2022 · 9 revisions


Program utilizing MAPL_Cap can use a number of command line options to customize behaviour of the program. This includes options such as configuring the output server and turning on the logging from the ESMF layer. A complete list of options is given below. In addition we will discuss how to configure them to run the output server when the default options are insufficient.


usage: /home/bmauer/swdev/models/github_10.21.0/GEOSgcm/install/bin/GEOSgcm.x  [--esmf_logtype value] [--cap_rc value] [--npes_model value] [--n_members value] [--use_sub_comm] [--comm_model value] [--prefix value] [--npes_input_server [value#1 value#2 value#3...]] [--npes_output_server [value#1 value#2 value#3...]] [--nodes_input_server [value#1 value#2 value#3...]] [--nodes_output_server [value#1 value#2 value#3...]] [--logging_config value] [--oserver_type value] [--npes_backend_pernode value] [--compress_nodes] [--fast_oclient] [--one_node_output] [--with_io_profiler] [--with_esmf_moab] [--help] [--version]

Optional switches:
   --esmf_logtype value, value in: `none,single,multi,multi_on_error`
    default value none
    ESMF Logging type
   --cap_rc value
    default value CAP.rc
    CAP resource file name
   --npes_model value
    default value -1
    # MPI processes used by model CapGridComp
   --n_members value
    default value 1
    # MPI processes used by model CapGridComp1
    default value .false.
    # The model by default is using MPI_COMM_WORLD : .true. or .false.
   --comm_model value
    default value *
    # The model will use the communitator passed in
   --prefix value
    default value mem
    prefix for ensemble subdirectories
   --npes_input_server [value#1 value#2...]
    default value 0
    mutually exclude "--nodes_input_server"
    # MPI processes used by input server
   --npes_output_server [value#1 value#2...]
    default value 0
    mutually exclude "--nodes_output_server"
    # MPI processes used by output server
   --nodes_input_server [value#1 value#2...]
    default value 0
    mutually exclude "--npes_input_server"
    # NCCS nodes (28 or more processors ) used by input server
   --nodes_output_server [value#1 value#2...]
    default value 0
    mutually exclude "--npes_output_server"
    # NCCS nodes (28 or more processors) used by output server
   --logging_config value
    Configuration file for logging
   --oserver_type value
    default value single
    Output Server Type
   --npes_backend_pernode value
    default value 0
    # MPI processes used by the backend output
    default value .false.
    MPI processes continue on the nodes even MPI communicator is divided
    default value .false.
    Copying data before isend. Client would wait until it is re-used
    default value .false.
    Specify if each output server has only one nodes
    default value .false.
    Turning on io_profler
    default value .false.
    Enables use of MOAB library for ESMF meshes
   --help, -h
    Print this help message
   --version, -v
    Print version

How to Run GEOS with an Output Server on Dedicated Resources

When setting up an experiment using gcm_setup the script will prompt the users, asking if they want to run with an output server on dedicated resources. By default the answer is yes at C180 and above. There may be times that the defaults are insufficient and the user will need to modify the gcm_run.j script to modify the parameters used for the output server.

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