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Massimiliano Pittore edited this page Jun 1, 2018 · 1 revision

These buildings consist of a frame assembly of steel beams and steel columns. Floor and roof framing consists of cast-in-place concrete slabs or metal deck with concrete fill supported on steel beams, open web joists or steel trusses. Lateral forces are resisted by tension and compression forces in diagonal steel members. When diagonal brace connections are concentric to beam column joints, all member stresses are primarily axial. When diagonal brace connections are eccentric to the joints, members are subjectedtobendingandaxialstresses. Diaphragmsconsistofconcreteormetaldeckwithconcretefill andarestiffrelativetotheframes. Whentheexteriorofthestructureisconcealed,wallsconsistof metal panel curtain walls, glazing, brick masonry, or precast concrete panels. When the interior of the structure is finished, frames are concealed by ceilings, partition walls and architectural furring. Foundations consist of concrete spread footings or deep pile foundations.

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