- Home ✔️
- Dashboard
- Virtual Coin (without web3 integration)
- Marketplace v1 (without web3 integration)
- Integrate with Metamask
- GymfyCoin (web3 integration)
- Marketplace v2 (web3 integration)
- Turborepo ✔️
- Eslint ✔️
- Prettier ✔️
- Docker Compose ✔️
- Husky ✔️
- Lint Staged ✔️
- Typescript ✔️
- Vite ✔️
- Tailwind CSS ✔️
- React-query
- GraphQL
- Storybook ✔️
- Test E2E with Cypress
- Unit Test (?)
- New Component Structure ✔️
- Button
- Button.stories.tsx
- Button.test.tsx
- Button.container.tsx
- Button.component.tsx
- Button.types.ts
- index.tsx
- Button
- Typescript ✔️
- GraphQL ✔️
- Prisma ✔️
- Unit Test with Jest