Interactively browse through Julia registries and the packages that they contain.
Run the following code in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg
pkg"add RegistryBrowser"
Call the registrybrowser
function with optional pattern arguments for
registry and package names, e.g.
using RegistryBrowser
registrybrowser(r"^Linear"; registrypattern="General")
Hereafter an intuitive interactive browser will be displayed in the terminal. Only relatively basic information about the packages can be displayed, this includes name, uuid, url, versions, dependencies and compatibility constraints. Packages will not be downloaded or installed.
Also note that registrybrowser
uses the locally cached registry information,
so if this is not sufficiently up to date, then the cache should first be
updated, e.g. with
using Pkg
pkg"registry update"
Please submit bug reports and enhancement/feature requests on the issues page or as pull requests.