A method to estimate the proportion of variance explained by heritability and gene-by-environment interactions, in a fast, accurate, efficient, and unbiased manner on biobank-scale datasets (N>300,000).
- Method Overview
- System Requirements and Installation Guide
- Demo (with instructions for use)
- Running MonsterLM scripts on biobank-scale data
- License
- Contact Information
- Citation
The MonsterLM algorithm is a method designed to estimate the proportion of variance explained by additive genetic variants (h2) and gene-by-environment interactions (GxE) in a fast, accurate, efficient, and unbiased manner, particularly for large datasets with many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) compared to participants. The algorithm partitions autosomes into non-overlapping regions to estimate genome-wide heritability or interactions with environmental exposures, while minimizing residual population stratification effects and LD spills. The algorithm is based on a multiple linear regression modeling framework and can use CPUs with sufficient RAM support (>200 GB) or graphics processing units (GPUs) for computational speed gains.
See the figure below for an overview to apply MonsterLM:
MonsterLM can be run on all major platforms (e.g. GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows) with the R programming langage (R version 3.6.3 or newer).
- Any standard computer (macOS, Linux, Windows).
- Requires a unix-like virtual environment supporting a minimum of 250GB RAM space for in-memory operations.
- (Optional) GPUs to run GPULS program for Step 2 Matrix inversion.
Program | Description | Download |
BASH (≥ 5.0) | a unix shell and command language | https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop |
R (≥ 3.6.3) or newer | R programming language | https://cran.r-project.org/ |
GPULS (Optional) | Fast Ordinary Least Squares Computations using GPUs | https://gist.github.com/wjn0/fd1ded8a6e5033e5ca0d00ac131469ee |
R package | Install | Reference |
tidyverse | install.packages("tidyverse") | https://www.tidyverse.org/packages/ |
data.table | install.packages("data.table") | https://cran.r-project.org/package=data.table |
MBESS | install.packages("MBESS") | https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MBESS/index.html |
gsl | install.packages("gsl") | https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gsl/index.html |
The following is a demonstration of the MosnterLM algorithim to estimate heritability (G) and gene-by-environment interactions (GxE). This analysis takes uses dummy data for 5,000 individuals and 1,500 SNPs. The full-scale analysis is designed to work on biobank scale data with >300,000 individuals and >1,000,000 SNPs.
For this demo, all of the essential dependencies noted in the previous section are required except for GPULS, tidyverse, and data.table.
For demonstrative and efficiency purposes, the following analysis uses:
- a simulated genotype matrix of dimensions 5,000 individuals x 1,500 SNPs which gets partitioned into 3 matrices of 5,000 x 500.
- one non-null simulated outcome matrix (outcome_A) of dimensions 5,000 individuals x 1.
- one null simulated outcome matrix (outcome_B) of dimensions 5,000 individuals x 1.
- one non-null simulated exposure matrix (outcome_A) of dimensions 5,000 individuals x 1.
- one null simulated exposure matrix (outcome_B) of dimensions 5,000 individuals x 1.
This demo requires two scripts from the MonsterLM/Demo
repository: i) the MonsterLM_demo.sh
shell script and ii) the MonsterLM_demo.R
R script. The shell script loops through the alogorithim estimations for non-null G and GxE (A) first and then for null G and GxE (B) estimations second. It uses steps 1, 2, and 3 in the R script that is visually depicted in the method overview.
First, ensure that all dependencies are installed in your working environment.
Next, set the BASH working directory in line 2 to your working directory
BASH_dir="~/MonsterLM/Demo" #set up the Demo directory from the .zip package
Once this is set up then grant the shell script executable permissions and run as follows
chmod +x MosnterLM_demo.sh
A succesful output will compute for the combinations outcome_A-exposure_A and outcome_B-exposure_B by running the full algorithim. The run time for this script on a standard computer should be <10 seconds. The output window should say:
Scenario: Consider unadjusted values for 'outcome A' and 'exposure A' in 5,000 individuals.
Expected adjusted R^2 for Heritability: 0.2.
Expected adjusted R^2 for GxE: 0.05.
Run MonsterLM to perform the 3 steps outlined in the method overview to get estimates.
[1] "MonsterLM: Demonstration of Heritability and GxE Estimation"
[1] "Step 1: Phenotype Outcome Quality Control"
[1] "Step 2: Run MonsterLM for an outcome-exposure combinations"
[1] "Step 3: Sum, Adjust, and Confidence Intervals for Final Estimates"
[1] "Final Estimates with Confidence Intervals:"
G | 0.2 GxE | 0.05 E | 0.0 LCI_G UCI_G LCI_GxE UCI_GxE
1 0.2025808 0.05126036 0.001621415 0.1711931 0.2339685 0.02586605 0.07665466
Scenario: Consider unadjusted values for 'outcome B' and 'exposure B' in 5,000 individuals.
Expected adjusted R^2 for Heritability: 0.0.
Expected adjusted R^2 for GxE: 0.0.
Run MonsterLM to perform the 3 steps outlined in the method overview to get estimates.
[1] "MonsterLM: Demonstration of Heritability and GxE Estimation"
[1] "Step 1: Phenotype Outcome Quality Control"
[1] "Step 2: Run MonsterLM for an outcome-exposure combinations"
[1] "Step 3: Sum, Adjust, and Confidence Intervals for Final Estimates"
[1] "Final Estimates with Confidence Intervals:"
G | 0.2 GxE | 0.05 E | 0.0 LCI_G UCI_G LCI_GxE
1 0.007945522 0.005875249 -0.0001499552 -0.0151448 0.03103584 -0.01707937
1 0.02882987
Specific coding techniques used for each step can be viewed for Steps 1 - 3 in MonsterLM_demo.R
Prior to running MonsterLM on biobank-scale data, first ensure individual-level genotype and phenotype data is prepared in the .bed format to be accessed by PLINK. Individal and SNP quality control is described in 4 steps in MonsterLM/scripts/PLINK
Source .bed files should be pre-processed to meet the following criteria mentioned in Step 0.
# Prepare genotypes for h2 and GxE testing
# Step 0: Preliminary QC for biobank data in .fam, .bim, and .bed including:
# Individual Exclusion criteria: (1) non-white related British ancestry, (2) high
# ancestry-specific heterozygosity, (3) high genotype missingness (>0.05),
# (3) mismatching genetic ancestry, (4) sex chromosome aneuploidy,
# (5) mismatching gender sex and genetic sex, and (6) consent withdrawal
# at the time of analysis.
# SNP exclusion criteria included: (1) SNPs with low imputation quality
# (INFO score < 0.30), (2) call rate < 0.95, and (3) ambiguous or duplicated SNPs.
PLINK scripts can be set up according to user preference. The following offers an example template to prepare the genotypic and phenotypic files for MonsterLM.
Step 1: Define inputs and paths.
# Define inputs
# Define paths (dummy paths used below)
subDir="/your/reference/allele/directory" #
UKB_genotypes="/UKBIOBANK/username/UKB_genotypes_plink" #.bed source files location
chr=$(echo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22)
Step 2: SNP Quality Control.
# Script start
if [ $# = 1 ]; then
# Step 2: SNP quality control
# Hardy-Weingberg eqilibrium: 1e-10
# MAF: 0.05
# genotype missingness: 0.05
function hq_SNPs {
set -e
mkdir -p ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}
for i in ${chr[@]}; do
${plink19} \
--noweb \
--bfile ${UKB_genotypes}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_0.001.HWE.FINAL \
--maf ${maf} --geno 0.05 --hwe 1e-10 \
--write-snplist \
--out ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i} &
for i in ${chr[@]}; do
${plink19} \
--noweb \
--bfile ${UKB_genotypes}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_0.001.HWE.FINAL \
--keep-allele-order \
--extract ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.snplist \
--make-bed \
--out ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_${maf}.GENO_0.05.HWE.FINAL &
Step 3: LD-prune Genotype Matrices and Recode to the Additive Model Format
# Step 3: LD-prune Genotype Matrices and Recode to Additive Model ({0,1,2})
function LD_prune_for_MonsterLM {
set -e
for i in ${chr[@]}; do
${plink19} \
--noweb \
--bfile ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_${maf}.GENO_0.05.HWE.FINAL \
--keep-allele-order \
--indep-pairwise 1000 500 0.9 \
--out ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i} &
for i in ${chr[@]}; do
${plink19} \
--noweb \
--bfile ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_${maf}.GENO_0.05.HWE.FINAL \
--keep-allele-order \
--extract ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.prune.in \
--make-bed \
--out ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_${maf}.GENO_0.05.HWE.LD_0.9_for_MonsterLM &
function recode_for_MonsterLM {
set -e
for i in ${chr[@]}; do
${plink19} \
--noweb \
--bfile ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_${maf}.GENO_0.05.HWE.LD_0.9_for_MonsterLM \
--recodeA \
--recode-allele ${subDir}/ref_allele_09_${chr}
--out ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/chr.${i}.UKB_v3_INFO_0.30.UNRELATED.BRITISH.RELATED.MAF_${maf}.GENO_0.05.HWE.LD_0.9_for_MonsterLM_ADDITIVE &
Step 4: Clear working directories of temporary PLINK files.
# Step 4: Clear out
# Remove all temporary files
function clear_out {
rm -rf ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/*log
rm -rf ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/*frq
rm -rf ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/*prune*
rm -rf ${outdir}/plink19_UKB_MAF_${maf}/*snplist
echo "ERROR: incorrect number of input arguments"
Steps 1 - 3 MonsterLM scripts are stored in MonsterLM/scripts/MonsterLM_CPULS
. This step includes alogorithim-specific genotype and phenotype quality control detailed in the manuscript:
Apply transformations to the outcomes and exposure:
#load data
print(paste0("trait number ",trait))
load( paste0(Loc , "outcomes_N.RData") ) # outcomes matrix
trait = colnames(outcomes)[-1][trait]
print(paste0("trait name ",trait))
pheno = as.matrix( outcomes[ , which( colnames(outcomes) == trait ) ] )
print(paste0("exposure number ",exposure_var))
load( paste0(Loc , "exposure_exposures_325989.RData") )
exposure_var = colnames(exposure_exposures)[-1][exposure_var]
print(paste0("exposure name ",exposure_var))
exposure = as.matrix( exposure_exposures[ , which( colnames(exposure_exposures) == exposure_var ) ] )
Age = as.matrix(fread(paste0(Loc2 , "/Age_orig.txt"), header = T))
Sex = as.matrix(fread(paste0(Loc2 , "/Sex_orig.txt"), header = T))
PCs = as.matrix(fread(paste0(Loc2 , "/PCs_orig.txt"), header = T))
#identify NAs (there is no NA in exposure, Age, Sex and PCs)
index = unique(c(which(is.na(pheno)), which(is.na(exposure))))
pheno = as.matrix(pheno)
exposure = as.matrix(exposure)
if(length(index) > 0)
pheno = as.matrix(pheno[-index, ])
exposure = as.matrix(exposure[-index, ])
Age = Age[-index, ]
Sex = Sex[-index, ]
PCs = PCs[-index, ]
E_final = rm_stratificaiton(exposure[,1])
P_final = rm_stratificaiton(pheno[,1])
EonP <- summary(lm(P_final ~ E_final))[[9]]
P_resid <- resid(lm(P_final~ E_final))
P_resid <- quantNorm(P_resid)
P_resid <- rm_Heteroscedasticity(P_resid, E_final)
P_resid <- as.matrix(P_resid)
Apply transformations to the genotype and GxE matrices and then compute least squares (Step 1 and then Step 2):
top_blocks_G_r2 = c("chr", "set", "nb_indi", "nb_SNPs", "R2", "adj_R2")
top_blocks_GxE_only_r2 = c("chr", "set", "nb_indi", "nb_SNPs", "R2", "adj_R2")
for (chr in 1:length(chromosome)) #chromosome we are on
for (set in 1:max_sets[chr]) #set per chromosome we are on
load(paste0(blocks_dir, "/UKB_stdnorm_09_" , chr , "_" , set , "_1.RData"))
if(length(index) > 0) #Remove the NA participants from genotype data
geno_data = apply(geno_data[-index, ], 2, standardization)
interaction_term = apply(geno_data*E_final, 2, quantNorm)
#GxE only
GxE_only_r2 = get_R2(interaction_term, P_resid)
item_GxE_only = c(chr, set, dim(interaction_term)[1], dim(interaction_term)[2], GxE_only_r2[[1]])
top_blocks_GxE_only_r2 = rbind(top_blocks_GxE_only_r2, item_GxE_only)
#G only
G_r2 = get_R2(geno_data, P_resid)
item_G = c(chr, set, dim(geno_data)[1], dim(geno_data)[2], G_r2[[1]])
top_blocks_G_r2 = rbind(top_blocks_G_r2, item_G)
print(paste0("MonsterLM Gene-exposure Step 2: Outcome ", trait, " and Exposure ", exposure_var, " Matrix Inversion Complete for chr ", chr, " set ", set, " is done"))
Step 3: Sum and adjust all block estimates to acquire the total estimates:
#MonsterLM Step 3: Block Summation, Adjustments, and Confidence Intervals
#G total
df_total_G <- data.frame(model="G",outcome=trait,exposure=exposure_var,pred_N=sum(top_blocks_G_r2$nb_SNPs),N=top_blocks_G_r2$nb_indi[1],est_adj=(1-EonP)*sum(top_blocks_G_r2$adj_R2))
#Confidence Intervals for G
for (k in 1:nrow(top_blocks_G_r2)) {
adj_r2 = top_blocks_G_r2$adj_R2[k]
p = top_blocks_G_r2$nb_SNPs[k]
n = top_blocks_G_r2$nb_indi[k]
var_block = (1-EonP) * ( (n - 1)/(n - p - 1 ) )^2 * Variance.R2(adj_r2, n, p)
var_tot = rbind(var_tot , var_block)
df_total_G <- cbind(df_total_G,LCI = (df_total_G$est_adj - 1.96*sqrt(sum(var_tot))),UCI = (df_total_G$est_adj + 1.96*sqrt(sum(var_tot))),variance_total=sum(var_tot),standard_deviation=sqrt(sum(var_tot)))
df_total_GxE_only <- data.frame(model="GxE",outcome=trait,exposure=exposure_var,pred_N=sum(top_blocks_GxE_only_r2$nb_SNPs),N=top_blocks_G_r2$nb_indi[1],est_adj=(1-EonP)*sum(top_blocks_GxE_only_r2$adj_R2))
#Confidence Intervals for GxE
for (k in 1:nrow(top_blocks_GxE_only_r2)) {
adj_r2 = top_blocks_GxE_only_r2$adj_R2[k]
p = top_blocks_GxE_only_r2$nb_SNPs[k]
n = top_blocks_GxE_only_r2$nb_indi[k]
var_block = (1-EonP) * ( (n - 1)/(n - p - 1 ) )^2 * Variance.R2(adj_r2, n, p)
var_tot = rbind(var_tot , var_block)
df_total_GxE_only <- cbind(df_total_GxE_only,LCI = (df_total_GxE_only$est_adj - 1.96*sqrt(sum(var_tot))),UCI = (df_total_GxE_only$est_adj + 1.96*sqrt(sum(var_tot))),variance_total=sum(var_tot),standard_deviation=sqrt(sum(var_tot)))
print(paste0("MonsterLM Gene-exposure Step 3: Outcome ", trait, " and Exposure ", exposure_var, " Summation, Adjusments, and Confidence Intervals Formation Complete"))
write.table(df_total_final , file=paste0("Gene-exposure_",trait," with ", exposure_var ,"_total.txt", sep=""), col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
This is the basic workflow for the CPU-based version of the algorithim. If GPUs are preferred then the matrix inversion least squares can be computed as per the MonsterLM/scripts/MonsterLM_GPULS
GNU General Public License v3.0
Any queries pertaining to the MonsterLM scripts or methodological framework can be addressed to either: Matteo Di Scipio ([email protected]) or Guillaume Paré ([email protected]).
Provisionally accepted.