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Main repo for Datagov Harvester 2.0. Contains the code for Flask API and Harvesting Logic


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This repository holds the source code the Harvester 2.0, which consists of two applications:


Current sequence diagrams are availale in the the /docs/diagrams/dest folder.

Documentation for the Harvseter 2.0 project is found in Google Drive: Harvester 2.0 folder

Historic documentation can be found in the Archive folder, along with historic diagrams here

Application specific documentation below.


This project is using poetry to manage this project. Install poetry here.

Once installed, poetry install installs dependencies into a local virtual environment.

We use Ruff to format and lint our Python files. If you use VS Code, you can install the formatter here.

This repo contains pre-commit actions. Learn how to configure your IDE to run those here

Local development

Set these environment variables in your shell:


CF_SERVICE_* variables can be extracted from from service-keys by running cf service-key ci-deployer dhl-deployer in the appropriate space.

CKAN_API_TOKEN should be extracted from cf env datagov-harvest-runner in the user-provided service datagov-harvest-secrets with the same key name.

Flask Debugging

If absolutely need to hit a breakpoint in your Flask app, you can setup local Flask debugging in your IDE.

NOTE: To use the VS-Code debugger, you will first need to sacrifice the reloading support for flask

  1. Build new containers with development requirements by running make build-dev

  2. Launch containers by running make up-debug

  3. In VS-Code, launch debug process Python: Remote Attach

  4. Set breakpoints

  5. Visit the site at http://localhost:8080 and invoke the route which contains the code you've set the breakpoint on.

Local Flask to CKAN workflow

You can configure a local instance of the Flask application to push datasets to a local CKAN instance. This dramatically cuts development time and is a huge increase to efficiency.

!NOTE: Currenly this process is not user-friendly but is expected to be improved in the future.

To setup:

  1. Launch a local instance of the datagov-harvest-admin app, a. Create an organization, and grab the org id b. Create a harvest source with a valid harvest url c. This test source is a good one to use to test integration
  2. Launch a local instance of, aka CKAN
  3. Login to CKAN as admin and generate an API token. Copy that token.
  4. Install ckanapi via pip so that it's available in your local shell, pip install python
  5. use ckanapi to create an organization with same id as the organization in flask app, ex. ckanapi action organization_create -r http://localhost:5000 name=test-org id=5cf8d5a1-12be-4300-a249-20ca584681cf
  6. Get internal IP for your machine. a. On Mac's this can be derived by running ifconfig | grep inet and grabbing the first address you find.
  7. Add two new values to the local .env file: CKAN_API_URL=`ip-address-from-step-4a`:5000 CKAN_API_TOKEN=`api-token-from-step-3`:5000
  8. Restart datagov-harvest-admin, make up
  9. GoTo your previously configured harvest source
  10. Click "Harvest" button. This will fail.
  11. docker exec into local datagov-harvest-admin and run same job command from Step 8. a. this is usually python harvester/ {job_id} {job_type}
  12. You should now see successful harvest of your datasets 🎉


Harvester testing

  • These tests are found in extract, and validate. Some of them rely on services in the docker-compose.yml. Run using docker docker compose up -d and with the command poetry run pytest --ignore=./tests/load/ckan.

If you followed the instructions for CKAN load testing and Harvester testing you can simply run poetry run pytest to run all tests.

Integration testing

  • to run integration tests locally add the following env variables to your .env file in addition to their appropriate values
    • CF_SERVICE_USER = "put username here"
    • CF_SERVICE_AUTH = "put password here"

Deployment to



A database service is required for use on

In a given Cloud Foundry space, a db can be created with cf create-service <service offering> <plan> <service instance>.

In dev, for example, the db was created with cf create-service aws-rds micro-psql datagov-harvest-db.

Creating databases for the other spaces should follow the same pattern, though the size may need to be adjusted (see available AWS RDS service offerings with cf marketplace -e aws-rds).

Any created service needs to be bound to an app with cf bind-service <app> <service>. With the above example, the db can be bound with cf bind-service harvesting-logic datagov-harvest-db.

Alternately, you can just push the app up and it will bind with the services so long as they are named following the expected pattern in manifest.yml.

User provided

A user provided service by the name of datagov-harvest-secrets is also expected to be in place and populated with the following secrets:


Manually Deploying the Flask Application to development

  1. Ensure you have a manifest.yml and vars.development.yml file configured for your Flask application. The vars file may include variables:

    app_name: harvesting-logic
    database_name: harvesting-logic-db
  2. Deploy the application using Cloud Foundry's cf push command with the variable file:

    poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes
    cf push --vars-file vars.development.yml



This is a Flask app which manages the configuration of harvest sources, organizations, and the creation of harvest jobs.


This is a python application, chiefy comprised of files in the harvester directory.


  • Extract
    • General purpose fetching and downloading of web resources.
    • Catered extraction to the following data formats:
      • DCAT-US
  • Validation
    • DCAT-US
      • jsonschema validation using draft 2020-12.
  • Load
    • DCAT-US
      • Conversion of dcat-us catalog into ckan dataset schema
      • Create, delete, update, and patch of ckan package/dataset
  • Report
    • Update harvest job db record with job results
    • Email results using SMTP client

Flask Commands

database migrations

When altering the db during development, you first want to stamp the db before making any changes to the model.

make clean up
docker compose exec app bash

Once inside the container, you run:

flask db stamp head

Apply your changes to the model file, then run:

flask db migrate -m "your migration message here"

Then, finally, to apply your changes in place to the local db, run:

flask db upgrade

user management

cf run-task datagov-harvest-admin --name "add new user" --command "flask user add [email protected] --name xxx"

add organizations

cf run-task datagov-harvest-admin --name "add new org" --command "flask org add 'Name of Org' --log https://some-url.png --id 1234"


Main repo for Datagov Harvester 2.0. Contains the code for Flask API and Harvesting Logic







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