WordPress boilerplate based on Bedrock
Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure.
Much of the philosophy behind Bedrock is inspired by the Twelve-Factor App methodology including the WordPress specific version.
Updating your WordPress version (or any plugin) is just a matter of changing the version number in the composer.json
Then running composer update
will pull down the new version.
Most of Data.gov discussions happen at Data.gov github
- Docker v18+
- Docker Compose v1.24+
Build the docker containers.
$ make build
Run the docker containers.
$ make up
Activate all the installed plugins and theme.
$ make setup
The admin password is in the output of the above command.
Open your browser to localhost:8000.
TODO: initialize the database with seed data so the theme loads properly.
Clean local directories and containers.
$ make clean
Build the containers and run composer update within the container.
$ make update
You don't need a database dump for most development tasks. If you need a database dump, you can create one following instructions from the Runbook.
Once you have the database dump, you can restore it for your local development environment.
$ docker-compose exec -T db mysql -u root -pmysql-dev-password datagov \
< <(gzip --to-stdout --decompress databasedump.sql.gz)
In order to access the admin dashboard for development, you must first disable saml and update the admin password.
First, deactivate the saml plugin.
$ docker-compose exec app wp --allow-root plugin deactivate saml-20-single-sign-on
Reset the admin password to password
$ docker-compose run --rm app wp --allow-root user update admin --user_pass=password
Open the login page
localhost:8000/wp/wp-login.php. Login
with the user admin
password password