Optimizer for SiGame question packs
SiGamePackOptimizer.exe <arguments>
-z, --optimizers Required. Optimizers to be used, comma separated. Available optimizers: ImageSizeReducer
-i, --input Required. Path to input file
-o, --output Required. Path to output file
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
--imagemaxwidth (Default: 1024) Maximum width of image. All images large then provided width will be resized
preserving aspect ratio
--imagemaxheight (Default: 768) Maximum height of image. All images large then provided height will be resized
preserving aspect ratio
--imagejpegquality (Default: 75) Jpeg quality for images. From 0 to 100. Larger number - better quality and larger
size. All images will be encoded in JPEG format with given quality
Optimize pack using ImageSizeReducer: make all images 800x600 at most with default JPEG quality
SiGamePackOptimizer.exe -z ImageSizeReducer -i C:\MyDocuments\pack.siq -o C:\MyDocuments\optimized.siq --imagemaxwidth 800 --imagemaxheight 600