Don't ask me why, I was going to do that sooner or later because of the way github is leading its business, and other personal reasons that I was delaying deleting the repos.
This means I don't support github anymore, I think that the real freedom comes from descentralization.
I'll divide this section into proprietary and open source parts:
I used to code proprietary for business/enterprise, so there are lots of code that can't be here because of that (and even if I could release them I wouldn't now).
The other things I've coded (like bots, small hacks for online games etc) are not and will be not available since there are better solutions over them now (they're outdated) or the games doesn't exist anymore or even the hack got (somehow) patched someday and doesn't work anymore. I'm really sorry for that, I wish I released them back in the old days but I was afraid of getting them patched or getting banned from games...
The remaining part of proprietary code (like generic tools, automation, ui/frontends for terminal/prompt programs etc) also won't be available here. The best of them may be available on a private website someday, the garbage/outdated will be trashed forever.
The old repos (2013-2015) are gone since 2016. The newer (2020-2022) are discontinued and I discourage you to use, I'll delete them soon, leaving only one licence here that is free to use.
The good codes from university like b-trees and some low level stuff (coded in 2012-2014) are gone forever, never to be seen again.
I think my codes wasn't so good to help anyone anyway, and, when I left programming I could finally get rid of some troubles that was draining my will to live...
Disclaimer: If you are 'sensitive' to bad words, you can leave now, this will get nasty and crybaby people that live in wonderland and sjw are not suposed to read what is to come. Viewer discretion is advised.
I heard sometimes that the comments were 'aggressive' or 'not so good' because of bad words and blablabla. I was not so "polite" and I don't give a fuck if you read a bad word and this breaks your "crystal castle" of "world illusions" and you think that I'm a monster because of that... I don't give a shit about your 'identity cry', you should grow up and maybe face the real life problems you have before it's too late.
I wish people that get easily offended like that to live in a fuckin' real world and fuck off away from me before I forget that, if you agree that every single motherfuckin' comment in a code must be 'polite' and 'lovely' everyday no matter what then I think you should fuck yourself with a cactus so maybe it scraches inside the surface person that you are, or you can use a light pole if you preffer so it can enlighten your brain in a literal way... then you tell the world you're a firefly.
The point is: if the code is working, and all of it was written by me and no single godamn being was there to help (but were there just to complain, not issue) when I was doing that, just use it, maybe fork it and go show your 'beautiful people' friends that you solved some problem idk (give the due credits btw). You can also improve the efficiency or the workflow of it and make real changes and really help someone somewhere and this will help you to cycle on it.
Also heard that the main language I programmed back in 2008 (which was Delphi/Lazarus Object Pascal) was dying and I should get rid of it... Same people today say the same thing about the language they told that I should learn and that was good back then and this cycle goes on... (and maybe will go on forever)
Again: if it works and solves your problem I don't care if it is asembly, c or [insert your modern c++ killer language here], just use it, understand the code (if you have time and knowledge for it) help with code if you can use the program and hope for the best.
I won't be complaining here about anything anymore. This place is a time wasting machine.
Don't use github, host your own codes in your own self hosted git/vps/public nas/idk.