Welcome to Gavanize in Boulder! And thank you for coming to our event.
Tonight, we will do some basic data analysis of the measurements of irises. One day, a long time ago, some dedicated guy took measurements of a bunch of iris petals and sepals, and classifid the irises into their varieties based on those measurements. We will train the computer to detect those different varieties. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_flower_data_set. By doing this you will see how to use some important technologies in the Python data analysis ecosystem.
We will use the following tools:
Python 3: This is a programming language that underlies an enormous data science technology ecosystem. In addition to data science, Python can bse used for many other programming tasks.
Jupyter: This enables us to see our Python code alongside data and visualization charts.
Pandas: This is how we will work with our table of article data. Essentially, it is like a spreadsheet you use with Python code, rather than pointing and clicking with a mouse.
Matplotlib: This makes data visualizations.