First, the adsTag script needs to be input in the head area
window.adsTag = window.adsTag || { cmd: [] };
Parameters | Type | Description | Prerequisite or not |
id | string | The tag of the current script, fixed value: ads-tag-sdk |
Yes |
data-site-id | string | The unique domain name identification, provided by the administrator | Yes |
data-utm-source | string | channel ID, its weight factor is higher than utm-source of url parameter. | No |
data-test | string | Enable Test Mode or Not: Test Mode will be opened when value=on. Caution! Do not use it in Production Environment. | No |
src | string | sdk address, fixed value: |
Yes |
window.adsTag.renderAds(document.querySelector('#test-one'), 300, 250, zoneId);
If you can’t confirm if adsTag is loaded while using, then it is recommended to call with cmd.
window.adsTag.cmd.push(function (){
window.adsTag.renderAds(document.querySelector('#test-one'), 300, 250, zoneId);
// Whether to enable fixed width, false as the default, it is recommended to use the default value to achieve higher benefits
fixedWidth: true
- 1.Designate a dom node as the ad container for renderAds by binding an id or other attribute identifier.
<div id="test-one"></div>
- 2.Use
window.adsTag.renderAds(dom, width, height, zoneId)
to render the ads
Parameters | Type | Description | Mandatory or not | Default Value |
dom | HtmlElement | Need the container in which the ads are rendered, for a good experience the width and height of the container should be bigger than or equal to the values set by the parameters of width and height. |
Yes | -- |
width | number | Specify the width of the ads | Yes | -- |
height | number | Specify the height of the ads | Yes | -- |
zoneId | string | Specify the ad unit group, use this parameter to differentiate the ad group revenue | Yes | -- |
window.adsTag.renderAds(document.querySelector('#test-one'), 300, 250, zoneId);
Inserting ads don’t need to create a container, the ads are rendered by calling window.adsTag.renderInterstitial(zoneId, querySelector)
Parameters | Type | Description | Mandatory or not | Default Value |
zoneId | string | Specify the ad unit group, use this parameter to differentiate the ad group revenue | Yes | -- |
querySelector | string | Specifies that the a tags matching this selector should use interstitial ads, when the parameter is empty, all a tags will take effect. Selectors are recommended to use className or attribute , and care is taken to ensure that there are no events that block href jumps |
No | -- |
- When this method is called, it only takes effect on the a tag jump in the page
- Can only be called once in a single page, multiple calls are invalid
Anchor ads don't need to create a container, ads are rendered by calling window.adsTag.renderAnchor(zoneId, type)
Parameters | Type | Description | Mandatory or not | Default Value |
zoneId | string | Specify the ad unit group, use this parameter to differentiate the ad group revenue | Yes | -- |
type | string | Position of the anchored ad, optional values: 'top', 'bottom' | No | 'bottom' |
window.adsTag.renderAnchor(zoneId, 'bottom');
- Can only be called once in a single page, multiple calls are invalid
Incentivized ads don't need to create a container, ads are rendered by calling window.adsTag.renderReward(zoneId, doneFn)
Parameters | Type | Description | Mandatory or not | Default Value |
zoneId | string | Specify the ad unit group, use this parameter to differentiate the ad group revenue | Yes | -- |
doneFn | function | Incentive ad completion execution function, the parameter rewardStatus returns the display status of the incentive ad. |
No | (rewardStatus) => {} |
window.adsTag.renderReward(zoneId, (rewardedStatus) => {
if (rewardedStatus) {
// Execute the incentive ad display after completion of the operation
} else {
// Perform Incentive Ad Display Not Completed Action
- Incentivized ads may display video ads, it is recommended to call this method after the user has generated a page interaction
Inserted screen ads don't need to create a container, ads are rendered by calling window.adsTag.adBreak({ zoneId, type, adBreakDone })
Parameters | Type | Description | Mandatory or not | Default Value |
zoneId | string | Specify the ad unit group, use this parameter to differentiate the ad group revenue | Yes | -- |
type | string | Specify the type of ad, passable parameters: preroll, midroll, reward | Yes | -- |
adBreakDone | function | The function is executed after the advertisement fails or finishes playing, and the parameter viewed returns the display status of the advertisement. |
No | (viewed) => {} |
window.adsTag.adBreak({ zoneId: 'xxx', type: 'midroll', adBreakDone: (viewed) => {
if (viewed) {
// Ads Display Successfully
} else {
// Failure to display ads, or aborted by the user
Sidewall Ads do not need create container. Render it through the instruction from “window.adsTag.renderSidewall(zoneId)”.
Parameters | Type | Description | Mandatory or not | Default Value |
zoneId | string | Specify the ad unit group, use this parameter to differentiate the ad group revenue | Yes | -- |
Fixed Ads do not need create container. Render it through the instruction from “window.adsTag.renderFixed(zoneId, width, heigth)”.
Parameters | Type | Description | Mandatory or not | Default Value |
zoneId | string | Specify the ad unit group, use this parameter to differentiate the ad group revenue | Yes | -- |
width | number | Specify Ads Width. Adjust it according to the actual layout of Web. | No | 300 |
height | number | Specify Ads Height. Adjust it according to the actual layout of Web. | No | 250 |