Modifies the Greenfoot CSS Stylesheets to add different Dark Mode themes.
- Go to the
C:\Program Files\Greenfoot\lib\stylesheets\
directory on Windows - Paste the stylesheets from the selected theme (without the folder) into the directory and give administrator permissions if prompted
- A popup window will appear and warn you that there are multiple files with the same names. Select that you want to replace the files in the destination.
- Open or restart Greenfoot
- Open the Greenfoot code editor and select Options from the toolbar
- Click on Preferences
- Tick the "Display line numbers" checkbox
Greenfoot Themer by John Seong.
An homage to Monokai Pro and Sublime Text
Captures the deep rich hues of midnight
A faithful recreation of the GitHub dark mode theme
A faithful recreation of the GitHub light mode theme
A different take on a light mode theme using autumn colors
A faithful dark version of the default Greenfoot light theme with slight color modifications
The theme that comes with Greenfoot by default