Minor Project: Osteoarthritis Check-up System [Live]
Mentor: Dr. Trilok Chand
Supervisor: Mr. Deepak Saini
Group Members | StudentID |
Gaurav Sharma | 18103050 |
Saarisht Thaman | 18103063 |
Aditya | 18103075 |
Aditya Kumar | 18103010 |
The whole system can be summed up as an Osteoarthritis Grade Prediction and Concise Report Generation System. The main motivation behind the project was that the traditional method to observe X-Ray and report generation by a Radiologist takes too much time mainly due to high population, dependence on experience of Radiologist, artefacts on X-ray images, difficulty in management of physical reports and Lack of proper infrastructure and services in rural regions.
A full-fledged system with 1/5th the size of industry standard model (published by University of California San Francisco in early 2019(Fine-tuned VGG19 Model). link to Publication) and an increment in accuracy from 69.7% to 75.42% (more details) and a proprietary Pre-processing method which is able to resolve most of defects from images (sample results). Alongside that, a robust web application with a proper database management system.System is very modular and is designed in a way to be more scalable in future.
- Make sure you're connected to the internet through the entirety of the process
- Clone the repository
- Download Node js and install it
- Download and set-up MongoDB local server or Make an account on MongoDBatlas, create a new cluster then add your credentials in keys.js present in the config folder and make sure to change mongodb access in the app.js file
- Open up any terminal, navigate to the kneeoa directory, then write out the following two commands in succession:
npm i
and after thatnode app.js
- Now that the server is running, it will display a message in the terminal. Open up any web browser and type in http://localhost:3000/ into the address bar to access it.
- From here on out you can create an account, login, generate and manage reports etc.
- To close the server, simply hit ctrl+c in the terminal to end the process
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6806 - For models to experiments with Dataset.
- https://ard.bmj.com/content/annrheumdis/16/4/494.full.pdf - Different Grades description.
- https://mongoosejs.com/docs/guide.html - Documentation for dealing with database.
- https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer - For pdf generation.
- https://github.com/albarqouni/Deep-Learning-for-Medical-Applications - For Deep Learning Research Papers.
- https://github.com/asalmada/x-ray-images-enhancement - System’s preprocessing method uses this as the basis.
- https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/56rmx5bjcr/1 - For Dataset and Industry Standard Model Metrics.
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0895611118304956?via%3Dihub - Published article for Industry Standard Model