A To-Do Flutter application to manage your TaskList.
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To-do lists offer a way to increase productivity, stopping us from forgetting things, helps prioritise tasks, manage tasks effectively, use time wisely.
A to do list acts as an external memory aid. It’s only possible to hold a few pieces of information at one time. Keep a to do list and we’ll be able to keep track of everything, rather than just a few of the tasks we need to do.
All it takes is just a few minutes every day to keep a to do list up to date. With a to do list, we can complete goals without wasting our time trying to figure out priorities. Our productivity will increase, and we won’t forget things.
- Create New Tasks from the Action button.
- Locally store created Task using database file.
- Fetch and Display Complete and InComplete Tasks from the locale db file.
- Mark a Task as Done.
- Update and Delete feature from the local db file.