- Internship at National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Delhi from January 2023 to May 2023
- intership head: Peter Murray-Rust, Reader Emeritus, Cambridge, UK
- internship supervisor: Dr Gitanjali Yadav, Staff scientist, NIPGR, Delhi.
- Climate knowledge extraction using text and data mining an IPCC chapter case study
- IPCC chapter: Chapter 15 "Finance and Investment"
- Literature Research: World finances and investments for mitigation and adaptation
- Case study: Finance and investment in INDIA, Sectoral, thematic and instrumental split.
*most of the text and statistical data for the case study was scraped from
- _OECD (OECD library): https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-topics/climate-change.htm
- OUR WORLD IN DATA: https://ourworldindata.org/co2-and-greenhouse-gas-emissions
- Gati Sakthi: https://indiainvestmentgrid.gov.in/national-infrastructure-pipeline
- Ministry of External Affairs: https://indbiz.gov.in/india-records-significant-progress-on-sustainable-development-goals/
- py4ami: developed by Peter Murray-Rust(https://pypi.org/project/py4ami/) - PDF to HTML
- Docanalyysis: developed by Ayush Garg and Shweata N. Hegde (https://pypi.org/project/docanalysis/) ABRREVIATED DICTIONARY
- Gensim, RAKE and YAKE: Keyword extraction (code by Karthikeyan V and Ananya Singha, https://github.com/petermr/semanticClimate/tree/main/keyword_extraction/code)
- Automated annotations in HTML file (no specific tool): code developed by Ananya Singha (software developer, https://github.com/ananyas168/)
- tableau softwear for statistical analysis and vislualisation (https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/venkata.sri.satya.gayathri.jonnalagadda)
- word clouds generator
- Vosviwer: semantic viewer
- Summarizers
- text analysis tool corpus by Voyant Tools (https://archive.ph/20170329181913/http:/tapor.ca/home#selection-415.0-1042.0)