IDE for GemStone Smalltalk application development in Pharo. Jadeite for Pharo (and these instructions) should be considered alpha quality at the current time. These instructions are written assuming the user is using a GemStone server with Rowan installed.
Jadeite For Pharo is only tested for use with GemStone 3.7.2.
Install Pharo 12 Smalltalk.
- Jadeite for Pharo only works with Pharo 12
- Recommended build -
- (64 Bit)
Create a Rowan server using extent
Set the env variable $ROWAN_CLIENT_SERVICES to the directory containing the checkouts of all github clones on local disk
Clone these git projects to $ROWAN_CLIENT_SERVICES on your local disk:
- JadeiteForPharo, branch
,git clone [email protected]:GemTalk/JadeiteForPharo.git
- PharoGemStoneFFI, branch
,git clone [email protected]:GemTalk/PharoGemStoneFFI.git
- RemoteServiceReplication, branch
,git clone [email protected]:GemTalk/RemoteServiceReplication.git
- RowanClientServices, branch
,RowanClientServices, branch mainV3.0, git clone [email protected]:GemTalk/RowanClientServices.git -b mainV3.0 RowanClientServicesV3
- JadeiteForPharo, branch
Connect to the latest RowanClientServices code by running this script in a directory with a .topazini file setup with your stone's information:
- <Gemstone install directory>/rowan3/bin/attachRowanDevClones.stone script
Run the script below in a Pharo 12 image playground
If you wish to use Jadeite for Pharo without Rowan,
- Open a Settings Browser in Pharo.
- Uncheck Jadeite for Pharo>Rowan Available
Go to Library>Jadeite Launcher to open a connection browser
| directory jfpRepo icePackage sourceDirectory packageDir |
directory := UIManager default
chooseDirectory: 'Choose Jadeite Repositories directory'
from: nil.
directory ifNil: [ ^ self ].
{ 'PharoGemStoneFFI'. 'RemoteServiceReplication' . 'JadeiteForPharo'}
do: [ :projectName |
| projectDir iceRepository |
projectDir := (directory childrenMatching: projectName) first.
projectDir isDirectory ifFalse: [
^ self notify: projectName , ' git checkout not found' ].
(iceRepository := IceRepositoryCreator new
location: projectDir;
subdirectory: String new;
createRepository) register ]
on: IceDuplicatedRepository
do: [ "nothing" ].
jfpRepo := IceRepository repositoryNamed: 'JadeiteForPharo'.
icePackage := jfpRepo packageNamed: 'BaselineOfJadeiteForPharo'.
sourceDirectory := icePackage repository project sourceDirectory.
sourceDirectory ifEmpty: [ sourceDirectory := '.' ].
packageDir := (icePackage repository location / sourceDirectory)
Metacello new
repository: 'gitlocal://' , packageDir;
baseline: icePackage metacelloBaselineName;
onUpgrade: [ :e |
| policy |
policy := self chooseUpgradePolicyFor: e.
policy ifNotNil: [ e perform: policy ] ];
onConflict: [ :e |
| policy |
policy := self chooseConflictPolicyFor: e.
policy ifNotNil: [ e perform: policy ] ];
load: #().