We show via the LiquidHaskell framework that my functional Implementation of the wAVL trees are functional correct for insert and delete.
We prove automatically the theorems regarding the complexity of weak AVL trees first proven by hand in {Haeupler, 2015 #48}.
We redefined the used potential function in Haeupler et. al such that the previously separately proven potential is now combined:
"Das Potential von 2,2 und 2,3 nodes ist 2, das Potential von 1,1 und 0,1 nodes ist 1, das Potential von allen anderen nodes ist 0."
We use axioms for our proofs for the Monotonicity of the natural Logarithm and the relation to the exponential at [./src/PotentialAnalysis_WAVL_v2.hs].
The axioms are originally defined in Hochrainer, J. (2024) in her work on Amortized Cost Analysis on Binomial Heaps.
Haeupler, B., et al. (2015). "Rank-Balanced Trees." ACM Transactions on Algorithms 11(4): 1-26.
Hochrainer, J. (2024). Formalizing an Amortized Cost Analysis of Binomial Heaps and Fibonacci Heaps in Liquid Haskell. Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics. Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck. MSc.: 66.