Unity-Combine-Mesh Public
A quick method to combine meshes of the same material together.
GUI_Drawer Public
A basic OnGUI script with a dynamic texture background
C# MIT License UpdatedSep 23, 2022 -
Reads an input action asset from unity's new input system and shows it in a GUI update.
A struct for calculating a Rotated Bounding Box
DisplaySpeedOfObjects Public
Calculates and displays the speed of transforms tracked in an array.
FlagsExtensions Public
A class that implements various flag extension methods for convenience.
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2022 -
A library to help with describing which direction an object is facing and positioned with regards to another object.
A basic Camera script that lets you follow a target transform with zoom and orbit functionality.
AngleVisualizer Public
A debug tool showing the internal and external angle between a game object and a detected surface.
Unity_CircleOfSpheres Public
A small script showing how to calculate the position of spheres on a circle.
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 9, 2021 -
Mesh-Gizmos Public
A collection of functions that imitate Unity's gizmo functionality using transforms and meshes.
This is a way to create links between game objects where an observer needs to listen in on state changes of another object. Such as position change, enabled, disabled and destroyed.
Mouse-Tool Public
A tool that tracks mouse inputs and stores information such as Raycast hits and last click position. Also has a bunch of events you can subscribe to.
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2021 -
An enum generator from selected objects.
Lets you right click on an sprite in your folder and gives you an option to create a tile from it. Saving you the step of creating a tile and applying the sprite manually. You can do this with mult…
C# MIT License UpdatedMar 21, 2021 -
A collection of primitive mesh building scripts such as sphere, cube, torus etc.
BipedalMech Public
A simple Mech scene in Unity showcasing an robot being able to walk over various terrain.
SelectionDisplay Public
Creates a UI element like in space/air combat games over game objects.
ResizingAABB Public
An example of how to resize and axis aligned bounding box in c#.
C# UpdatedAug 8, 2020