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Terry Brady edited this page Jan 30, 2015 · 11 revisions

This rule was written to provide BagIt functionality through the File Analyzer. This rule was designed for users who perform other digitization tasks using the File Analyzer.

![](File Analyzer Image - BagIt Automation.jpg)

Verify Bag

Given an existing Bag, verify that the integrity of the Bag contents. screen-shot


Create a Bag from an existing directory




Enable the source of a bag to be any of the following options

  • Root folder
  • Subfolders of root folder
  • Files contained within root folder (matching by name)

Assumption: all 3 are needed. Currently only the root folder is supported.

Enable the creation of directory bags and zip file bags

Ensure that the validation task works in both instances.

Assumption: directories. Zip support would be useful to add

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