- Save full-res coherence files to disk in conv2tif step if cohmask = 1.
- Save multi-looked coherence files to disk in prepifg step if cohmask = 1.
- Additional DATA_TYPE geotiff header metadata for above coherence files.
- conv2tif and prepifg output files have a tag applied to filename dependent on data type, i.e. _ifg.tif, _coh.tif, _dem.tif.
- Metadata about used reference pixel is added to interferogram geotiff headers: lat/lon and x/y values; mean and standard deviation of reference window samples.
- Quicklook PNG and KML files are generated for the Stack Rate error map by default.
- Ensure prepifg treats input data files as read only.
- Fix the way that the reference phase is subtracted from interferograms during process step.
- Manual entry of refx/y converted to type int.
- User supplies latitude and longitude values when specifying a reference pixel in the config file. Pixel x/y values are calculated and used internally.
- Move Stack Rate masking to a standalone function pyrate.core.stack.mask_rate, applied during the merge step and add unit tests.
- Skip Stack Rate masking if threshold parameter maxsig = 0.
- Provide log message indicating the percentage of pixels masked by pyrate.core.stack.mask_rate.
- Refactor pyrate.core.stack module; expose two functions in documentation: i) single pixel stacking algorithm, and ii) loop function for processing full ifg array.
- Refactor pyrate.merge script; remove duplicated code and create reusable generic functions.
- Colourmap used to render quicklook PNG images is calculated from min/max values of the geotiff band.
- Updated test and dev requirements.
- Deprecate unused functions in pyrate.core.config and corresponding tests.
- Static colourmap utils/colourmap.txt that was previously used to render quicklook PNG images is removed.