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Inventory management application with Kafka's Pub/Sub implementation

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Inventory Management API Documentation

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  • Java 17+, using IntelliJ IDE, you can adjust the SDK through the project settings.
  • Have Docker desktop or just docker-compose installed.
  • Bring your best self to test the application!! :D

Running application

  • Firstly run docker-compose -d, set up of PostgresSql with a database and launches Kafka with Zookeeper.
  • You can run the application from you IDE (preferably IntelliJ) or using ./gradlew bootRun. Automatically Populates the database with the needed tables!
  • To stop the services the following commands: docker-compose down and for the application ./gradlew --stop OR within the terminal use CTRL+C

Application overview

  • This application imitates a very small-scale application for inventory management.
  • This application could be scaled to something bigger with further development.
  • REST endpoints

Technologies used are:

  • Spring Boot (3.4.1) - Spring MVC architectural pattern
  • PostgresSql for data storage/persistence
  • Kafka acting as a log retention tool. (Pub/Sub) logic implementation.
    • Each action has its separate topic. The idea was to "imitate" a real microservice where Kafka could potentially talk to 10-20 applications.
  • Zookeeper for Kafka
  • Docker - docker-compose to bundle everything together and allow the ease of deployment/testing of the whole flow.

API Overview

This API provides endpoints to manage inventory items and track sales history. It supports CRUD operations for items and includes pagination for large datasets.

NB!!! You can use the api_endpoints.postman_collection.json to get a template with defined endpoints to query the application!

Base URL




Get All Items

Retrieves a paginated list of all items in the inventory.

GET /items

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
page Integer 0 Page number (zero-based)
size Integer 10 Number of items per page
sortBy String "id" Field to sort by
direction String "asc" Sort direction ("asc" or "desc")

Example Request:

GET /items?page=0&size=10&sortBy=name&direction=desc

Example Response:

    "content": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Laptop",
            "price": 999.99,
            "quantity": 50
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Mouse",
            "price": 29.99,
            "quantity": 100
    "pageNumber": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalElements": 2,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "first": true,
    "last": true

Get Item by ID

Retrieves a specific item by its ID.

GET /items/{id}

Example Request:

GET /items/1

Example Response:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Laptop",
    "price": 999.99,
    "quantity": 50

Create New Item

Creates a new item in the inventory.

POST /items

Request Body:

    "name": "Keyboard",
    "price": 59.99,
    "quantity": 30

Validation Rules:

  • name: Required, maximum 255 characters
  • price: Required, must be positive
  • quantity: Required, must be non-negative

Update Item

Updates an existing item. Supports partial updates.

PUT /items/{id}

Request Body:

    "name": "Wireless Keyboard",
    "price": 79.99

Validation Rules:

  • All fields are optional
  • When provided:
    • name: Maximum 255 characters
    • price: Must be positive
    • quantity: Must be non-negative

Sell Item

Records a sale for an item and updates its quantity.

PATCH /items/{id}/sell

Request Body:

    "quantity": 5

Validation Rules:

  • quantity: Required, must be positive and not exceed current stock

Delete Item

Removes an item from the inventory.

DELETE /items/{id}


Get Sales

Retrieves the entireity of the sales history or use the itemId field to query specific items with pagination support.

GET /items/sales

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
itemId Long null Filter sales by specific item
page Integer 0 Page number
size Integer 10 Items per page
sortBy String "id" Field to sort by
direction String "asc" Sort direction ("asc" or "desc")

Example Response:

    "content": [
            "itemId": 1,
            "quantitySold": 5,
            "priceAtSale": 999.99,
            "saleDate": "2024-01-12T14:30:00"
    "pageNumber": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalElements": 1,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "first": true,
    "last": true

Error Handling

The API uses conventional HTTP response codes:

  • 200 OK: Successful request
  • 201 Created: Resource successfully created
  • 204 No Content: Successful deletion
  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid input
  • 404 Not Found: Resource not found
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Server error

Example Error Response:

    "timestamp": "2024-01-12T15:30:45",
    "message": "Validation Error",
    "details": "Price must be greater than 0"

Common Error Cases

Validation Error

    "timestamp": "2024-01-12T15:30:45",
    "message": "Validation Error",
    "details": "Name must not exceed 255 characters"

Resource Not Found

    "timestamp": "2024-01-12T15:30:45",
    "message": "Resource Not Found",
    "details": "Item not found with id: 1"

Insufficient Stock

    "timestamp": "2024-01-12T15:30:45",
    "message": "Insufficient Stock",
    "details": "Available: 5, Requested: 10"

Event Logging

All operations are logged using Kafka events for audit purposes. The following events are tracked:

  • Item Created
  • Item Updated
  • Item Deleted
  • Item Sold
  • Sales History Queried


Inventory management application with Kafka's Pub/Sub implementation






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