This repository serves as an initial version for SmartPooling contracts. These contracts will allow a mining pool to operate its payment processing on-chain, in an open and honest way. The project was designed to be modular and to allow more complex payment mechanisms to be built on top of it.
The SmartPooling Contracts allow for an open and honest payment distribution system. Each payment will have information about who received the payments, what numbers(in this case share numbers) the payments were based on, and any fees present during the payment process.
In addition, key information about a SmartPool may be stored on-chain. The only required information is the current epoch, current epoch-height, and the creation height of the SmartPool. We define an Epoch to be one payment cycle that distributes ERG to the members of the SmartPool.
The SmartPool contracts have been designed to work with 3 different scripts. This means that each transaction that a SmartPool carries out requires 3 boxes at minimum: The Metadata Box, The Command Box, and any number of Holding Boxes. We will get into more depth in the following sections, but here is a general idea of the jobs of each box.
Metadata Box - Stores information about the SmartPool and its last payout on-chain. In a consensus transaction, the Metadata Box's job is to verify that a new Metadata Box is created, that the new Box's registers come from the Command Box, and that important metadata is preserved. The Metadata Box also verifies that the Command Box is protected by the proposition bytes of a script in the Pool Operators collection.
Command Box - The Command Box is a box that holds the registers representing the new Metadata Box. The Command Box also holds information about the current consensus in R4. During a consensus transaction, R4 of the command box is used to calculate the payout that each member of the subpool receives. A Command Box's proposition bytes must be one of the proposition bytes stored in the Pool Operators section of the current Metadata Box. This is the only requirement for a command box and it allows any script to be used to protect the SmartPool. The open nature of the command box allows any number of verification schemes by the SmartPool. For example, the simplest scheme would have a Command Box be the propositional bytes of some P2PK Address. This would mean that any consensus transaction would have to be signed by the owner of the private key encoded in the address. More complex schemes could have scripts that allow voting or require tokens to create a valid command box.
Holding Box - The Holding Box is the box that stores payout money until a consensus transaction occurs. There may be any number of Holding Boxes in a consensus transaction so long as that number is greater than one. The Holding Box has two mains jobs to perform in a consensus transaction. The first job is to verify that Inputs 0 and 1 of the transaction are Metadata and Command boxes. The second job is to verify that the consensus transaction outputs boxes that follow the consensus stored in R4 of the Command Box. Another key part of the second job is verifying that pool fees are paid and follow the exact pool fees laid out in the current Metadata Box. Pool Fees are not calculated using the Command Box. Instead, the Command Box outlines the pool fees for the next epoch. The Metadata Box outlines the Pool Fees to be used during the current epoch.
The Metadata Box is the box that stores information about the current SmartPool on-chain. Each Metadata Box will hold key information in its registers that allows anybody to query information about the SmartPool by searching for it on the Ergo Blockchain. Metadata boxes keep information relating to the SmartPool, it's members, fees, operators, and the last share consensus that created the metadata box. The metadata box also holds the Smart Pool NFT, which allows the holding box to distinguish between SmartPool's and also gives an easy way for third parties to search up history about a given SmartPool.
The metadata box may only be spent to create a new metadata box. In this way, we ensure that there is an unbroken line of metadata boxes that transfer a certain SmartPool NFT from Epoch 0 all the way to the current epoch. The metadata box must also be spent with a command box. The reason for this is that the command box is used as a template to copy registers from for the next metadata box. The command box used must have it's propositonal bytes stored in the pool operators box in order to be spent.
The metadata box does not require that a holding box be present in the transaction. This allows pool operators to change settings of the Smart Pool. Because of the holding box's contract, we are ensured that any money sent to it MUST be distributed to it's members properly.
The Command Box will have the same register layout as the Metadata Box. This is because the registers present in the Command Box must be present in the new Metadata Box that is outputted in the consensus transaction. Only two fields of the Command Box are used by the holding box in a transaction R4 and R5. R4 stores the current consensus information. This information is then used by the holding box to verify that the outputs of the consensus transaction follow the consensus provided. R5 of the command box is the member list. The only constraint that the holding box provides for the member list is that all members of the current consensus must be present in the member list. This ensures that all members of the SmartPool will have their payment information on-chain. It also makes it easy to see who has been added or removed by the command box during a consensus transaction.
The Command Box may be protected by any script so long as that script's propositional bytes are stored in R8 of the Metadata Box. Since the command box is spent during the consensus transaction, it's script must evaluate to true. What this means is that we may have additional constraints that must evaluate to true before performing any consensus transaction.
Another important thing to note about the Command Box is that it's value is not calculated to be a part of the total rewards. This allows for even more freedom in how the Command Box's funds is used.
The Holding Box has no specific registers. Its main jobs are to verify that it is being spent with a Metadata and Command Box, and that the transactions outputs follow the consensus laid out in R4 of the Command Box and the Pool Fees in R6 of the Metadata Box.
Each holding box script is tied to a specific smart pool id on creation that represents some
smart pool NFT. The holding contract ensures that holding boxes may only be spent if
represents a metadaat box with the given id.
Another job of the HoldingBox is to ensure that payments below each miner's minimum payment level are stored in a change box under the holding contract that is outputted during the distribution transaction.
This is the main transaction that distributes payouts to each SmartPool Member.
We may also refer to this transaction as a payout cycle or epoch. Each
transaction destroys an old metadata box and creates a new one with the same
value. The transaction also spends the command box according to the script protecting it.
All the holding boxes are used to create boxes for each member, with registers according
to the consensus given. The following diagram is a simplistic model of a
consensus transaction. It assumes that there are no Pool Fees boxes to output to.
The modular nature of the SmartPool allows for complex payment schemes to be used.
There are 3 different payment operations that may use any script to build more complex payment schemes from.
Pool Fees are fees taken out of the total payout before it is distributed. Pool fees may take a minimum of 0.1% or (0.001 * totalPayout). We may use pool fees to tax money from all members of the SmartPool. The simplest form of a pool fee would be the proposition bytes for some P2PK address owned by a pool operator. Such a pool fee could be used to offset upkeep costs for hosting the stratum server.
More complex scripts could also be used. For example, if a mining pool wished to create a community developer fund, it could create a script that holds ERG until a public key of some developer is passed to it. The mining pool may then add the proposition bytes of this script to the SmartPool's pool fees. Every consensus transaction would take some percentage of the total rewards and store it in the developer fund. At the end of every month, members may vote on which developer gets the fund. The SmartPool operator may then pass the public key of the developer to the Smart Contract, which will ensure a box owned by the developer is created and has the correct value.
Member Payouts are the output boxes of each consensus transaction whose value was determined by the holding box script. We may use Member Payouts to give ERG to specific members or scripts representing members. As with the other payment schemes, the simplest form of payment would be to some P2PK address.
We may use Member Payouts to create multiple levels of decentralized payments. For example, we may create subpools of miners that decide how their own payment is distributed using a vote system. The only thing that the SmartPool does is transfer ERG to each of its direct children/members. These subpools would allow miners to dictate how they each individually get paid.
We may also use scripts that allow SmartPool members to receive tokens, lock funds, or more.
The Command Box allows us even more flexibility in payment schemes. The Command Box will allow SmartPool Operators to inject extra funds into the SmartPool to perform more complex payment mechanisms. Another important part of the Command Box is that it is inherently spent in the consensus transaction. Unlike the member payouts and pool fees, this means that the Command Box directly affects whether or not a valid consensus transaction may occur.
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