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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

2️⃣ Duplicate
2️⃣ Duplicate
A duplicate Issue or PR
🖥️ Backend
🖥️ Backend
An issue that requires Backend work
💥 Breaking Changes
💥 Breaking Changes
A PR that contains breaking changes
🐞 Bug
🐞 Bug
An issue or PR related to a bug
Any work related to CI/CD
🪧 Demo App
🪧 Demo App
An Issue or PR related to the Demo App
⏫ Dependencies Update
⏫ Dependencies Update
A PR that updates SDK Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📋 Docs
📋 Docs
Work related to docs/wiki
✨ Enhancement
✨ Enhancement
A request to improve the SDK
🙏 Feature Request
🙏 Feature Request
A new feature request
✅ Feature
✅ Feature
An issue or PR related to a feature
🏁 Good Starter
🏁 Good Starter
Good Issue for newcomers
🆘 Help Wanted
🆘 Help Wanted
Requesting the help of more experienced engineers
❗️ High Priority
❗️ High Priority
An issue or PR that is marked as a high priority
🔎 Investigating
🔎 Investigating
This issue is currently being investigated (Not reproducible yet)
🔒 Security
:lock: Security
Any work related to Security
🐢 Low Priority
🐢 Low Priority
An issue that is marked as low priority
🏠 Meta
🏠 Meta
A PR that updates repo or project information
🏗 Missing Feature Parity
🏗 Missing Feature Parity
A feature that is not yet available on the iOS SDK.
❌ Not Supported
❌ Not Supported
A feature that is not supported and won't be supported in the future
⚡ Performance
⚡ Performance
An Issue or PR related to performance improvements
🟢 QAed
🟢 QAed
A PR that was QAed
🧪 QAing
🧪 QAing
❓ Question
❓ Question
Question regarding a specific subject
🤞 Ready For QA
🤞 Ready For QA
A PR that is Ready for QA
Pull requests that update Ruby code
🌐 SDK: StreamChat (LLC)
🌐 SDK: StreamChat (LLC)
Tasks related to the StreamChat LLC SDK
👴🏼 SDK: StreamChat v2
👴🏼 SDK: StreamChat v2
Tasks related to the StreamChat v2 SDKs
🎨 SDK: StreamChatUI
🎨 SDK: StreamChatUI
Tasks related to the StreamChatUI SDK