Implementation of parsing programming languge with using
unbalanced N-ary trees and visualizing it by using Graphviz
Expression written in format ((constant1) op (constant2))
(each node is enclosed in brackets) is transformed into tree,
and tree is exported in format, readable by dot.
Then picture of resulting graph is being created and pdf with source formula.
Now are available: source expression, simplified expression,
derivate for 'x' (derivations for all variables can be taken, of course)
Program must be a set of functions, Function is declared as
'function fun_name(param1_name, param2_name,...) {
Params number may be zero. (function f() { ... }).
The next operators are allowed:
if (condition) { ...} else { ... }
if (condition) { ... }
while (condition) { ... }
return ( ... );
for (do_before; check_each_iteration; do_after_iteration) { ... }
func_name(first_param, second_param, ...);
return expression MUST be in brackets;
Non-if, while or for statement in any place must be ended by ';';
To get the result program, run 'make rec_desc'.
Then './rec_desc input_file show' will calculate expression (and if show == 1,
show it as picture)
function fib(n) {
if (n < 2) {
return (1);
return (n * fib(n - 1));
function main() {
n = 5;
res = f(n);
return (0);
Run 'make tree; cd Testing', then you have executable file tree,
which requires three input parameter:
input file, open_png_flag (0 or 1), open_pdf_flag (0 or 1)
Example: "./../tree 1 1" will open firstly .png, then .pdf
The result of the program are four files: .dot, .tex, .pdf and .png;
To turn debug on run make command with 'DEBUG=YES'
It turns on -g option
Test result can be seen into Testing/Full_Pars/png and Testing/Rec_Desc/png etc.
Tests are placed into 'Testing/Full_Pars'.
Run 'make test'.
Or from directory Testing run './../tree Full_Pars/ show_png show_pdf'
Run './../tree Full_Pars/ 0 0" to get .png and .pdf files.
1 instead 0 opens corresponding files.
Tests are places into 'Testing/Rec_Desc'.
Run 'make test_rec'.
Or from directory Testing run './../rec_desc Rec_Desc/ show'
(show = 1, if you want to see the result immediately)
Linux, g++, make, eog, dot, gio, pdftex
To see the whole documentation, download source code and run 'doxywizard Documentation/Config' (may be you should also update in dozywizard 'directory in which run doxywizard')