Contributors: wluo, okredo, misterbisson
Tags: wpquery, keyword search, sphinx, full text searching, fulltext, taxonomy queries, performance
Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: trunk
Improve WP Query performance using Sphinx.
Sphinx is a blazing fast index of content. This plugin makes it easy get WordPress posts into Sphinx, then query them using standard WP Query. This approach improves the performance of queries in core WordPress and even in plugins without having to implement a new API or rewrite the queries.
See it in use at Each search result is a post in WordPress, Sphinx does the work to find the matching results. The filters in the sidebar are powered by Scriblio based on taxonomy data on each post.
The plugin accellerates most WP Queries, including search, tag/taxonomy, author, and date, among others. The full list of supported query vars is:
- author
- author_name
- authors
- category__and
- category__in
- category__not_in
- exclude
- feed
- fields
- ignore_sticky_posts
- include
- no_found_rows
- numberposts
- numberposts
- offset
- order
- orderby
- output
- paged
- post__in
- post__not_in
- post_parent
- post_status
- post_type
- posts_per_page
- s
- suppress_filters
- tag
- tag__and
- tag__in
- tag__not_in
- tag_id
- tag_slug__and
- tag_slug__in
- tax_query
- wijax
See those in the code.
One of the only class of queries not supported are queries against metadata. Those are ignored by this plugin and WP Query handles those as usual.
go-sphinx automatically detects if other plugins have modified the SQL outside WP Query and steps out of the way if so. That allows the query to execute against the MySQL database as usual, but without the performance benefits of Sphinx.
This plugin is on Github:
- Install Sphinx.
- Install and activate this plugin.
- Go to your WordPress dashboard -> Settings -> Sphinx where you'll find a sample Sphinx config file with the paramters to index the blog content.
- Use the configuration template to start indexing in Sphinx.
- Enjoy the performance boost.
Note: the plugin expects the Sphinx server IP:port to be
. For now, changing that requires filtering go_config
to replace the defaults.