SwiftUI makes it easy to animate simple interface updates, but it quickly gets complicated when you want to update custom parameters during animations.
s make it possible to smoothly change a single VectorArithmetic
conforming parameter. Chained AnimatablePair
s can handle more, but it's messy.
allows you to create any changes you want to a set of parameters as an animation proceeds from 0-1.
Create a Transitionable
conforming struct
containing the parameters you want to transition:
struct FontDescriptor: Transitionable
let style: BlockFontStyle
let size: CGFloat
let weight: CGFloat
let lineSpacing: CGFloat
Implement transition(to:, progress:)
, defining how your parameters should change over the course of an animation – progress
will go from 0
to 1
func transition(_ other: FontDescriptor, progress: CGFloat) -> FontDescriptor {
let progress = progress * progress
return FontDescriptor(
style: progress < 0.5 ? style : other.style,
size: progress.lerp(min: size, max: other.size),
weight: progress.lerp(min: weight, max: other.weight),
lineSpacing: progress.lerp(min: lineSpacing, max: other.lineSpacing))
Add an EnvironmentKey
for your parameters:
private struct FontDescriptorKey: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue = Style.fontDescriptor(for: defaultState)
extension EnvironmentValues {
var fontDescriptor: FontDescriptor {
get { self[FontDescriptorKey.self] }
set { self[FontDescriptorKey.self] = newValue }
Pass your parameters to child views using the View
.environmentTransition(\.fontDescriptor, Style.fontDescriptor(for: someState))
Use the parameters as you wish in your View
struct MyTextView: View
@Environment(\.fontDescriptor) var fontDescriptor: FontDescriptor
var body: some View {