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Repository files navigation

Gio's Pelican Plugins

they're all single-files because come on


Adds chonologically sorted versions of tag, category, and author index pages without replacing the main indices.

On tumblr, you can can browse a blog's tag in either order: chronological order or latest-first. The URL schemes look like this:

Default: https://{blog}{tag}/page/{i}

Chrono: https://{blog}{tag}/chrono/page/{i}

This adds a generator with a similar effect.

See also getpelican/pelican #2903


You must configure the TAG_SAVE_AS_REVERSE, CATEGORY_SAVE_AS_REVERSE, and AUTHOR_SAVE_AS_REVERSE format strings. The format is the same as their non-reversed counterparts, see example config:

TAG_SAVE_AS = 'tag/{slug}/index.html'
TAG_SAVE_AS_REVERSE = 'tag/{slug}/chrono/index.html'

CATEGORIES_SAVE_AS = "category/index.html"
CATEGORY_SAVE_AS = 'category/{slug}/index.html'
CATEGORY_SAVE_AS_REVERSE = 'category/{slug}/chrono/index.html'

AUTHORS_SAVE_AS = "author/index.html"
AUTHOR_SAVE_AS = 'author/{slug}.html'
AUTHOR_SAVE_AS_REVERSE = 'author/chrono/{slug}.html'

There is no default set for these options and generation will fail if they are not set in configuration. These should be configured by the user.


WIP support for Markdeep documents.


Just put markdeep files in your content directory like you would markdown documents. Supported extensions for markdeep are .mdhtml and .md.html, although the second one will not work with pelican until they implement #2780. Do not include the markdeep footer!

There are some cases where Markdeep documents do not render correctly due to bugs in Markdeep itself. These issues have been reported and may be fixed in the future.

Full Outline

Generates a page based on the outline of every article on the site. Sections are required for this to work.

The full_outline.html template page will be generated with the full_outline object, which is a recursive list of sections grouped by category.

  • full_outline (List)
    • Category (List)
      • Article
        • Title (Title string)
        • Url (url string)
        • Page (page object)
        • Children (list)
          • Child
            • id (id attribute)
            • title (header title)
            • url (page url, helper)
            • Children (List, recursive)

Example jinja template:

{% macro render_toc(nodes) %}
{% if nodes %}
    {% for node in nodes %}
    <li><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ node.url }}#{{ }}">{{ node.title }}</a></li>
    {{ render_toc(node.children) }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% block content %}
<section id="content" class="post-card">
  <article class="full">

    {% for category, cats_nodes in full_outline %}
        <a href="{{ SITEURL }}/category/{{category}}">{{category}}</a>
        {% for node in cats_nodes %}
            <h3><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ node.url }}">{{ node.title }}</a></h3>
            {{ render_toc(node.children) }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}

Perma twitter

Markdown only.

Embeds tweets in markdown documents while archiving the original tweet source. Requires twitter API credentials for Tweepy.


Add tweepy api credentials somewhere in your pelican.conf file.


(Import them from another file for an extra layer of security.)

Optional configuration:


Set a root url of a Nittr instance in order to fetch full text of "note" posts. Optional


Embed tweets as images with any label, but a twitter link instead of an image source.

![dril tweet](


Instead of including javascript dependencies on every page, use this plugin to insert them only when the page requires them.


This is a fully configurable template system, and no specific scripts are provided out of the box.

Renderdeps takes a single configuration variable that defines its entire behavior:

        (args, kwargs), 

It is a list of ((args, kwargs), script_include) tuples. For each item in the list, args and kwargs are passed as the args and kwargs to bs4.BeautifulSoup.find(). If bs4 finds any element in the article, page, or draft matching the search pattern, Renderdeps will include the script_include string at the end of the document.

Here is a full example configuration:

        (["pre"], {"class_": "markdeep"}), 
<style class="fallback">pre.markdeep{white-space:pre;font-family:monospace}</style>
<script src=""></script>
        (["pre"], {"class_": "mermaid"}), 
        '<script src="[email protected]/dist/mermaid.min.js"></script>'

Renderdeps has a second configuration variable, RENDERDEPS_USE_SOUP. If RENDERDEPS_USE_SOUP is True, Renderdeps will use BeautifulSoup to gracefully insert a new element at the end of the element tree. If it is False, Renderdeps will simply append the dependency string to the end of the document. By default, this is set to False due to compatability issues with Pelican's html stash.

Sex Vampires

This is an alternative for tipue_search. It is named after pelican-plugins #1283.

It is refactored for ease of use and efficiency, and has some additional tweaks that may make it more suitable for some users, listed here:

  • Does not include the content of <script> tags, even on template pages


Estimates the word count and reading time of articles.

Appends the stats object to each article, with the following information:


    'wc': 2760,
    'fi': '65.94',
    'fk': '7.65',
    'word_counts': Counter({u'to': 98, u'a': 90, u'the': 83, u'of': 50, ...}),
    'read_mins': 12

This output should roughly match the output of post_stats.

These attributes are readable by Jinja and can be used in templates.

Some functions in this plugin derived from post_stats, after I learned it existed.


WORDCOUNT_WPM defines the reading speed used for read time calculations. This defaults to 200.


Anchorlinks is an extremely simple plugin that simply adds the class .anchorlink to any anchorlinks (i.e. jumplinks, links to anchors on the page) in the HTML document.

The only configuration is an optional

Anchorlinks is designed to be used with additional CSS styling to differentiate the anchorlinks from other links.

Anchorlinks will ignore all links with tags in ANCHORLINKS_IGNORE, which is ["footnote-ref", "toclink"] by default.

You probably don't want this. You probably want the [href^="#"] selector instead.


Markdown only.

Automatically attaches dot-slash resources (![x](./img.png)) using native pelican attaching.

This only effects links beginning with ./.

There are no options to configure.

Related reading

This one is very much tailored to my blog specifically, but it might be useful as a template.

Gathers up all the links classed .related-reading (or inside a .related-reading classed container) in all the articles and creates an aggregate page.

Hash drafts

This adds a generator that renders drafts with a crc32 "hash" of their content appended to the slug, so you can share links to specific versions of drafts.


Personal pelican plugins






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