This Python script downloads the HTML-Code of a website and puts it into a SQLite3-Database. The URL and a timestamp are saved, too. You can give a comment to every entry, but that is optional.
I created this script "quick and dirty", so feel free to improve the code.
You use it in the command line:
cd /path/to/script/
./ <url> <comment>
is the URL starting with "http://" or "https://" and not containing any spaces.
explains itself. It should contain at least one word. All chars the console supports as input are allowed.
WARNING: Use this script with care! SQL-injection-attacks are possible, just be warned.
There can be different things printed to the command line.
indicates success.
indicates an error that didn't cause the code to stop.
indicates an error that caused the script to stop.
It also says which class (in this case always "link_dl") and which function caused the message and of course it says what happened.
If the script comes successfully to an end without an error, it says:
[SUC] link_dl.insert(): Done
The other messages explain themselves.
./ This is a comment
The following data will be stored in the SQLite3-file:
- an ID, each entry gets its own
- the url, in this example it's ""
- the HTML-Code of the website (but no additional files)
- the current timestamp
If the database file doesn't exist, it is created.
This piece of software is licensed under the terms of The MIT License.
file for more info.