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Clockwork is candidate management application.

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Clockwork is a candidate management application or CMA aimed to amalgamate parts of the workflow used by recruiters and hiring managers in the form of a dashboard. Clockwork implements a user interface made with React and SCSS supplied by backend data from an Express API and MySQL database.
The following README is a combination of the Client and Server README files.

Features - Client

Login Page

  • Login - used to bring up a modal that can be used to sign in to gain access to the CMA.
  • Login Modal - used to modal that can be used to sign in to gain access to the CMA.


* - Non functional


  • Logout - used to change logout of the CMA and redirect you to the login page.


  • Result Filter - used to change database.
  • Result Limiter - used to change database.
  • Refresh - used to refresh data for current list.

Navbar - List of options the candidate can select:

  • * Select Database - used to change database.
  • Lists - used to show the Candidates, Contacts and Applications
  • * Parse Candidates - used to get a list of new applications from candidates.
  • New Position - brings up a modal that can be used to create a new position for new positions to be linked to.
  • New Opening - brings up a modal that can be used to create a new open opening for candidates to apply to.

Candidate List

List of candidates that have applied to a position before.

  • Delete - button that can be used to delete targeted candidate.

Contact List

List of candidates that have been contacted.


Application List

List of candidates that have applied for positions but have not been contacted yet.

  • Contact - brings up a modal that can be used to submit data after candidate is contacted.

New Position

Modal that can be used to create a new position for new positions to be linked to.


New Opening

Modal that can be used to create a new open opening for candidates to apply to.


Pagination - List of pages of data with buttons to change them. Number of pages is based on the limit set in the ribbon and the amount of data available:

  • Start - Takes you first to page 1.
  • Previous - Takes you back to one page based on your current.
  • Numbers - Takes you to page of the number selected.
  • Next - Takes you forward by one page based on your current.
  • End - Takes you last page.

Client Live URL

Features - Server


  • express
  • mysql


  • dotenv
  • cors
  • body-parser
  • pagination - This is middleware created to paginate data.


  • find - This module is used to retrieve the data from the SQL database based on the data and options provided.
  • find - This module is used to count the amount of documets retrieved by the "find" module.



Routes HTTP Description Expected Response Required Body
/ GET Checks if server is running {status: "Running"}


Routes HTTP Description Expected Response Required Body
/candidates GET Gets all candidates. Results are paginated. {
  "PersonID": number,
  "firstName": string,
  "lastName": string,
  "emailAddress": string,
  "currentStatus": string,
  "city": string,
  "state": string,
  "phoneNumber": string
/candidate/create POST Creates new candidate if candidate does not exist already. {status: 'No Results'} {
 "firstName": string,
 "lastName": string,
 "emailAddress": string,
 "phoneNumber": string
 "city": string,
 "state": string
/candidate/delete/:id DELETE Deletes application based on ID. {status: 'No Results'}
/candidate/update/:id PUT Updates application based on ID. {status: 'No Results'} {
  "currentStatus": string,
  "lastName": string,
  "firstName": string,
  "emailAddress": string,
  "city": string,
  "state": string,


Routes HTTP Description Expected Response Required Body
/applications GET Gets all applications and related data. Results are paginated. {
  "idApplications": number,
  "OpeningId": number,
  "ApplicationDate": string
  "ApplicationPersonId": number,
  "ApplicationStatus": string,
  "assignedRecruiter": number,
  "idOpenings": number,
  "city": string,
  "state": string,
  "position": string,
  "manager": string,
  "managerEmail": string,
  "idLocations": number,
  "PersonID": number,
  "firstName": string,
  "lastName": string,
  "emailAddress": string,
  "currentStatus": string,
  "phoneNumber": string
/applications/:id GET Gets application by ID and related data. {
  "idApplications": number,
  "OpeningId": number,
  "ApplicationDate": string
  "ApplicationPersonId": number,
  "ApplicationStatus": string,
  "assignedRecruiter": number,
  "idOpenings": number,
  "city": string,
  "state": string,
  "position": string,
  "manager": string,
  "managerEmail": string,
  "idLocations": number,
  "PersonID": number,
  "firstName": string,
  "lastName": string,
  "emailAddress": string,
  "currentStatus": string,
  "phoneNumber": string
/application/create POST Creates new application. {status: 'No Results'} {
  "OpeningId": number,
  "ApplicationPersonId": number,
  "assignedRecruiter": number
/application/update/:id PUT Updates application's status based on ID. {
  status: 'No Results',
  id: number
{"contactStatus": string}


Routes HTTP Description Expected Response Required Body
/contacts GET Gets all contacts and related data. Results are paginated. {
  "contactID": number,
  "ContactRecruiterId": number,
  "ContactStatus": string,
  "ContactApplicationsId": number,
  "ContactTimeStamp": string,
  "idApplications": number,
  "OpeningId": number,
  "ApplicationDate": string,
  "ApplicationPersonId": number,
  "ApplicationStatus": string,
  "assignedRecruiter": number,
  "PersonID": number,
  "firstName": string,
  "lastName": string,
  "emailAddress": string,
  "currentStatus": string,
  "city": string,
  "state": string,
  "phoneNumber": string,
  "idRecruiters": number,
  "recruiterFirstName": string,
  "recruiterLastName": string,
  "email": string,
  "assignedAccounts": number,
  "idOpenings": number,
  "position": string,
  "manager": string,
  "managerEmail": string,
  "idLocations": number
/contact/create POST Creates new contact. {status: 'No Results'} {
  "idRecruiters": number,
  "contactStatus": string,
  "idApplications": number


Routes HTTP Description Expected Response Required Body
/recruiters/:emailAddress&:password GET Gets recruiter data by email address and password. {
  "idRecruiters": number,
  "recruiterFirstName": string,
  "recruiterLastName": string,
  "email": string,
  "assignedAccounts": number,
  "login": boolean


Routes HTTP Description Expected Response Required Body
/openings GET Gets all openings. If given city, state and positions as a query it returns found value, if not returns all values {
  "idRecruiters": number,
  "recruiterFirstName": string,
  "recruiterLastName": string,
  "email": string,
  "assignedAccounts": number,
  "login": boolean
/opening/create POST Creates new opening. {status: 'No Results'} {
 "city": string
 "state": string
 "position": string
 "manager": string
 "managerEmail": string
 "idLocations": number


Routes HTTP Description Expected Response Required Body
/position/create POST Creates new position. {status: 'No Results'} {
  "streetAddress": string,
  "city": string,
  "state": string,
  "phoneNumber": string,
  "locationAliases": string,
  "emailAddress": string,
  "name": string

Tech Stack

  • Frontend - React, Javascript, SCSS, HTML
  • Backend - Node.js, Express
  • Database - MySQL

Concepts Used

  • Modules, Middleware, Packages
  • Handling GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests
  • Getting data from route and query parameter and the body
  • Using dotenv
  • Connecting and querying MySQL database
  • Pagination
  • Creating and modifying Databases, Tables and Relationships
  • Queries
  • Fetching APIs using Axios, Reusable Components, Props, Conditional Rendering
  • Data Manipulation (Filters, Mapping, Looping, Regular Expressions) and Display
  • useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback
  • Class Toggling, Modals, Forms, Cards
  • CSS Variables, Flexbox, Tables, Grid, Position
  • Modal, Buttons, Cards, Animations


  1. Install Node JS

    Refer to to install nodejs

  2. Database

    ER Diagram




    • Applications
    Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    idApplications int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
    OpeningId int(11) NO MUL
    ApplicationDate date NO
    ApplicationPersonId int(11) YES MUL
    ApplicationStatus varchar(20) NO
    assignedRecruiter int(11) YES MUL

    • Contacts
    Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    contactID int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
    ContactRecruiterId int(11) YES MUL
    ContactStatus varchar(20) NO
    ContactApplicationsId int(11) YES MUL
    ContactTimeStamp datetime YES

    • Locations
    Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    contactID int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
    ContactRecruiterId int(11) YES MUL
    ContactStatus varchar(20) NO
    ContactApplicationsId int(11) YES MUL
    ContactTimeStamp datetime YES

    • Openings
    Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    idOpenings int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
    city varchar(25) NO
    state varchar(25) NO
    position varchar(50) NO
    manager varchar(40) NO
    managerEmail varchar(100) NO
    idLocations int(11) NO MUL

    • Persons
    Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    idOpenings int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
    city varchar(25) NO
    state varchar(25) NO
    position varchar(50) NO
    manager varchar(40) NO
    managerEmail varchar(100) NO
    idLocations int(11) NO MUL

    • Positions
    Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    idPositions int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
    streetAddress varchar(50) NO
    city varchar(25) NO
    state varchar(25) NO
    phoneNumber varchar(25) NO
    locationAliases varchar(100) NO
    emailAddress varchar(100) NO
    name varchar(40) NO

    • Recruiters
    Field Type Null Key Default Extra
    idRecruiters int(11) NO PRI auto_increment
    recruiterFirstName varchar(20) NO
    recruiterLastName varchar(20) NO
    email varchar(100) NO
    assignedAccounts int(11) YES
    loginCredentials varchar(50) YES

  3. Client

    Client will not run without server

  • Install create-react-app

    Install create-react-app npm package globally. This will help to easily run the project and also build the source files easily. Use the following command to install create-react-app

    npm install -g create-react-app
  1. Server

    Server will not run without database
    • Create database as per ER Diagram

      Refer to Database section of the README for the ER Diagram.

    • Create environment variables in .env file

      cd server/
      touch .env

      Variables required:

      • DB_USER - Username used to access database
      • DB_PASS - Password associated with username
      • DB_NAME - Name given to the database
      • DB_HOST - IP Address/URL of database



Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the client directory

cd Clockwork/client

Install all the npm packages.

npm install

In order to start the client type the following command

npm start

Go to the server directory

cd Clockwork/server

Install all the npm packages.

npm install

In order to start the server type the following command

npm start

The Client Runs on localhost:3000

The Server Runs on localhost:3001


  • This app is currently unfinished and it is unclear when, if ever it will be
  • The UI for this app is not currently responsive and will not provide good user experience on smaller screens like tablets and phones.
  • This app has not been thoroughly tested and may have bugs.
  • Parts of this app may not use best practices in terms of coding and file and folder structure.



React CRM system for






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