Example: https://youtu.be/4YLaKsaTjl4?t=10052
Backend bot sends information about who is in/joins/leaves a channel as well as whether they are speaking and their volume if they are. Wrote two frontends - volume bars and south park style talking movement
ThreeJS webpage that hooks into Streamlabs socket API and puts pins in a voodoo doll based on donations, bits, and subs. Can be used as a browser source
Electron-based app to control OBS with a midi controller using the obs-websocket plugin
Mod to free the camera in Hitman 2 and control it using keyboard/xbox controller Used by Bedbananas to make https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNwz6wj1yRs
Repos: https://github.com/CalVR/calvr_plugins and https://github.com/CalVR/calvr (for now)
Loads in an MRI scan and displays it as a 3d volume, allows users to take screenshots, cut into the volume, and adjust parameters like contrast, opacity, color transfer function, etc
Shaders for use with the obs-shaderfilter plugin
Pretty well optimized web-based point cloud renderer, can render millions of points at 60fps The lines between nodes cause more slowdown but can still render a decent amount
Final project for a VR class
Did the code for movement, enemy AI, and visuals (shaders, particles, etc)
Test unity project to try replicating a horror game where mannequins move behind you when they go out of view. Had a little too much fun with this one
Created for use as a Browser element in OBS - the idea was that multiple images could be selected and switched between based on volume, essentially creating an animation when you talk. Never ended up getting used though
Small program in java writes the text in transitioning colors, synced it up to music later.