A simple operating system implemented in rust. The purpose is to explore how to use modules to build a complete os, so the system is composed of a series of independent modules. At present, the system already supports user-mode programs and some simple functions.
├── Makefile (编译命令)
├── README.md (readme)
├── apps (rust程序)
├── assert
├── kernel (核心子系统)
├── doc (开发文档与内核相关模块文档)
├── subsystems
├── arch (riscv相关代码)
├── platform (平台相关代码)
├── config (内核配置)
├── devices (设备注册管理)
├── drivers (设备驱动合集)
├── unwinder (内核panic处理)
├── vfs (虚拟文件系统)
├── interrupt (外中断注册管理)
├── ipc (进程间通信模块)
├── mem (内存管理)
├── knet (网络模块)
├── ksync (内核锁实现)
├── timer (时间相关实现)
├── constants (常量、错误定义)
├── device_interface(设备接口定义)
├── tests (测试程序)
├── tools (一些dts文件)
└── userlibc (rust lib库)
- install qemu 7.0.0(qume版本最低要求7.0.0)
- install rust nightly
- install riscv64-linux-musl toolchain
以上内容可以参考简明 ArceOS Tutorial Book
make help
# 一键运行qemu,注意在编译busybox时选择静态链接Settings->Build static binary (no shared libs)
# 忘记设置静态链接可以使用make clean重新配置
make run
# run test
> cd tests
> ./final_test
make run GUI=y
# 在编译和运行的时候指定参数y
cd tests
slint or sysinfo or todo or printdemo or memorygame
Update the TFTPBOOT
variable in Makefile.
make sdcard
make vf2 VF2=y SMP=2
// 生成testos.bin
// 这里smp=2 表示的是单核启动,对于u74-mc处理器,0号核不会被启动,从1号开始。
make gdb-server
make gdb-client