Very basic Arena Allocator implementation in C, inspired by Ryan Fleury's article. Please use arenas instead of malloc and free, thanks. For more info on arenas and their benefits, see
#include <stdio.h>
#include "arena.h"
typedef struct Entity Entity;
struct Entity
int id;
float x;
float y;
int main(void)
// Create arena with 1 kilobyte of memory
Arena arena = create_arena(KiB(1));
Entity *player = {0};
Entity *enemy1 = {0};
Entity *enemy2 = {0};
// Allocate memory
player = arena_alloc(&arena, sizeof (Entity));
enemy1 = arena_alloc(&arena, sizeof (Entity));
enemy2 = arena_alloc(&arena, sizeof (Entity));
// Use the data...
// Free entire memory block
return 0;